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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Resident Evil (5) discussion thread (NOT the platform)

For the people that have played Resident evil before and are quite settled in that world here is a very funny movie made y CanadianPride:
There are two parts of 10 minutes so grab something to drink and eat and expect to enjoy:)

Part 1

Part 2 gametrailers doesnt work here so I have put up the youtube version (quality is alittle less)

Wesker and Birkin decide to play a little prank on good ol' Chris!

Give this man an applaus cause he sounds exactly like Wesker!
Voice Wesker - Andrew Smylie!!!
For the people that know the PS1 voice this might sound alittle different but this is a poof of RE1 and 0 from the Gamecube version.
Wesker and scientist is footage from RE0 the rest is from RE1:)

        Wii code:                                        Mario Kart wii:
6586-0674-1620-6955                        0344-9880-0252
PM me if you added me and I'll add you:)

Self-proclaimed, biggest Resident Evil Fanboy of VGChartz!

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Resident Evil Director's Cut was my first ever PS game and I loved it. I also loved 2 and 3.

I liked resident evil for the puzzles. It was so satifying to complete one.

But now, the puzzles are too obvious, i don't like it. You no longer feel as if you have achieved something.

I like the fast pace and 3d aspect of RE4, but puzzles alone are the reason i loved the old games so much.


I started with Re 4: Wii and then went back and tried to play RE: Dual Shock on the Ps1. I hated the controls very deeply of the old style, and would have no interest in returning to it.

I wouldn't mind more ammo conservation and puzzles, but the camera and controls should not go back to what they were. That control style is simply outdated, much like the third-person isometric view of the old fallout games.

And technically, the phrase "survival horror" is one of the loosest genre definitions in gaming. It has been applied to rpgs, action games, point and clicks, and even some FPs games. There is a lot of leeway for what is acceptable in it.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

valen200 said:
I started with Re 4: Wii and then went back and tried to play RE: Dual Shock on the Ps1. I hated the controls very deeply of the old style, and would have no interest in returning to it.

I wouldn't mind more ammo conservation and puzzles, but the camera and controls should not go back to what they were. That control style is simply outdated, much like the third-person isometric view of the old fallout games.

And technically, the phrase "survival horror" is one of the loosest genre definitions in gaming. It has been applied to rpgs, action games, point and clicks, and even some FPs games. There is a lot of leeway for what is acceptable in it.

Yes it is important what the first impression is of this game if you start with RE4 you aspect something totally different then when you start with originals.

The series turned into something so different.. I will always like the exploring/non-lineair/hard ass puzzle game.

I played the game for the puzzles and because of the vulerability you feel in the game through strong zombies and little ammo (zombies die with 6-8 normal pistol shots you begin with 15, good luck!.

Also what really bugged me with RE4 is the amount of enemies in the game the original RE games you didn't encounter many zombies thats what made you become so twisted. You havn't encountered a zombie for 10 minutes and you have a feeling they can lurk around any corner but still they won't show up untill you least expect it:)

        Wii code:                                        Mario Kart wii:
6586-0674-1620-6955                        0344-9880-0252
PM me if you added me and I'll add you:)

Self-proclaimed, biggest Resident Evil Fanboy of VGChartz!

I played RE0 after playing RE4 and it really showed just how awful the old RE control scheme was. As for RE5 it's supposed to be going back to the Umbrella/core Resident Evil storyline so that will hopefully make for an even better game than RE4.

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See, Slash gets what RE is really all about.

RE4 isn't Resident Evil. It's just a spinoff with Leon as the star. And like any TV spinoff, Leon is still playing the same character, but it is in a completely different show with a completely different style and storyline.

Just going back to the old storyline is not enough for me. If the game is just a button masher that might as well be on rails like RE4, then I'm not buying it.

kingofwale said:
okay, I just started playing RE4 for PS2, never played the surviver horror genre before. and I know ammo is always always hard to come by (comparing with other genres)

so.. how do you kill enemies without using the gun? What's the best/safest method?)

The idea is that you have to be constantly thinking about each shot--even if you technically have enough ammo to kill this guy, is it worth it or shoot you just run the f*ck away and save it for someone more difficult?


@Thinkb4uspeak: It's not unrelated at all.  If you play Assignment Ada, you'd know that there are lots of hints as to where RE5 is going.  I won't spoil anything (not that there is much to spoil) but Wesker is heavily involved in RE4, even though you don't see him often.


@Topic: Yes, I think they should be less liberal with ammo (on harder difficulties) but absolutely keep RE4's play style.  I love RE0, but I cannot go back to it after 4.  They should give you a knife like Leon had, only actually make it useful (ie swing about 1.5 feet in front of you, instead of 1 inch)

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

@ kitchensink

See that's the problem with RE4. When playing it, I get the feeling that RE4 was not intended to be a RE game or at least not RE4, but something else (maybe like RE: Dead Aim or RE: Outbreak). Just some type of spinoff with Leon as the main character. Then in the middle of development, someone said, "screw it...make this RE4." The story only tied-in in a few places, so they added a couple of more sequences to the Leon game and then tacked on the Ada assignment to bring in more of the past story.

The fact is that the main game in RE4 had a weak objective (let's save yet another princess) and an even weaker storyline to back it up. And honestly, in my opinion, these were the least of the RE4 issues. I hate the fact that it was just a button masher. I hate the fact that there was almost no need to look around anywhere. I hate the fact that the game was almost as linear as Contra on the old NES.

I don't play the good old REs for a long time (several years) but don't remember having any problems with the controls.

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