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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Resident Evil (5) discussion thread (NOT the platform)

I noticed that there are a number of RE fans on this forum, which makes me happy. It's probably my favorite series after Zelda and I can't wait for the 5th iteration.... or can I...

Previous weeks I've been replaying the series, well I tried but I skipped 2 and 3 because I couldn't enjoy the games because of the graphics anymore.

So I finished (in order of playing): REmake, RE 0, RE: Code VeronicaX and RE 4Wii. Playing the games in a small time period I was amazed how much I loved the GC remake over RE 4.

Don't get me wrong, RE 4 (especially the Wii edition) is a fantastic game, but it is a little too easy. A few examples:

  • In RE I still died a lot of times, RE4 was more runnin and gunnin.
  • I finished RE with about 12 bullets of non-handgun ammo left, while ammo in RE4 is extremely well available, you can kill every caharcter in the game and still won't be short of ammo.
  • Same for herbs. Herbs are scarse in RE, not in 4
  • In RE you can't upgrade your life-bar in 4 you have the yellow herbs.
  • Puzzles are insane in RE and way too easy in 4
  • 6 or 8 items can be carried in RE, almost unlimited in 4

Also I like the locked camera, it brought a lot of tension to the game and the storyline and especially the plot is way better in RE (the end of 4 was a bit of a let down).

Of course RE4 is completely 3D and contols a 1000 times better then the other RE games.

My question to other fans of the series: What way do you want the series to progress. I personally hope that they keep the RE4 control scheme but return to the original concept of survival horror a little more. So less storage space, less herbs, less ammo, harder puzzles.

I also hope Capcom will make the story a little better and less straightforward this time. I loved the files that could be found in the mansion that described parts of what was going on, but didn't give away the story. Or tha way that you saw Wesker and Barry throughout the first game and essentially didn't know what was going on. The end was also epic.

Discuss but PLEASE: I want a discussion on the Resident Evil series, between people who like the game, or are interested in it. I personally don't care on what platform the game will appear and I ask you to NOT start a discussion on potential Wii versions or 360 exclusivity or other platform related issues. Thanks.


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Judging by Soriku's most recent thread, I think its looking like this game will be at least timed-exclusive for the Xbox

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Dude I totally agree with you (I thought I was alone on this one..)
RE went downhill. RE4 didn't have the tension, the hardcore feel and most importantly THE PUZZLES. God I loved them in REremake and RE:0 (most played GC game after SSBM:)). The locked angles where perfect and the graphics great.
I want the Resident Evil serie to go back to the orgineel design.
But seeing the huge succes and outbreak of RE4 it will never happen sadly.
RE4 was fun, but it isn't a survival horror game anymore but just a really good shooter.

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Self-proclaimed, biggest Resident Evil Fanboy of VGChartz!

No you are not alone in this one, my blue haired and non-stop smoking guitarrist friends. I simply hate RE4 for ruining one of my favorite series and the one i grew up playing, and RE5 will clearly be the same shit, though i might buy it because of the story but i hope i don't need to.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

okay, I just started playing RE4 for PS2, never played the surviver horror genre before. and I know ammo is always always hard to come by (comparing with other genres)

so.. how do you kill enemies without using the gun? What's the best/safest method?)

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

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: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
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Hard to come by? Only, ONLY time i had trouble with ammo was in that place near the church, but didn't lasted long since after i got into the houses, they were full of ammo and i could BLEW UP TEH ZOMBIES AND IT'S JUST WRONG IN A (game that was supposed to be a) SURVIVAL HORROR

Sorry. I don't remember very well, but i think you can kill zombies by getting close and pressing X when told to.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"


In RE4 you shouldn't have a lack of ammo. It's virtually everywhere. Look around for wooden crates and barrels. You can slash those and find ammo in them.

Though if you're really out of ammo us the knife. If you have few ammo, look for red barrels and shoot them. They'll explode.

Frankly none of the RE games are really that hard, except for REmake (to some extent)
The only thing that made RE 4 easier was the check points, RE4 would have been significantly more difficult if you were sent back to saves instead of checkpoints.
Furthermore I like both styles equally, so I don't want capcom to abandone RE4 style to return to classic style, especially if it would be trash the RE0 was again. Frankly I think capcom should go a bit like megaman during the 16-bit days, RE5 should be like RE4, and they should make a side story game with pre-renderred background that plays like the classic games.


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you can walk and shoot at the same time in RE5.

You're absolutely right, Benga.  I read all these threads about how great RE4 was and how it was the best of the series and everyone hopes RE5 is just like it, when in reality it pretty much sucked as a game in the RE series.  Anyone that hopes that RE5 is like RE4 really doesn't care for the RE series.  Yeah the controls were better, but true fans of the RE series didn't play the game for the controls.  They played it for the story, the suspense, and the occasional challenging puzzle (I'll admit that as the series has gone on, the challenging adjective has become harder and harder to justify).   

The story in RE4 was absolutely awful.  From the very start you knew the objective was to save the princess...errr....I mean, President's daughter.  I mean come on.  Didn't Mario and many others pretty much beat that horse to death already.  That is the oldest storyline there is and true RE fans should expect a lot more.  Not only did the storyline leave something to be desire, but there was no real twists in the plot.  Everything was pretty straight forward.  I mean the most intriguing part of the story was at the end when we all found out that the President's daughter was a slut!!!

Also, the game might as well have been on rails like RE:UC.  I mean there was pretty much no reason to ever go backwards.  If you kept following the trails forward, you were going to make to the end.  They pretty much eliminated searching for things.  Everything seemed to be right along the path.  If it were not for the stupid medallion gimmick and the arms dealer (do not get me started on him), I would have had any reason to look around.  If something was needed to open a door with, guess what you would find it right before you get to the door.  You never really had to examine something and wonder what it was for because right after you got it, you had to use it.  I remember in the first RE (on the PS), I would have things stored in the box for hours before going back and using them.  There were times that I thought I was stuck and would have to go back to my box to examine my inventory to make sure I had not forgotten about something in there.  This was also because in prior RE games (especially the first one), there was alternative paths.  Everyone did not have play the game the very same way.  In fact, there was alternative endings based on the order you did do things. 

When RE5 comes out, I am going to rent it.  If it is just like RE4, then I not buying it.