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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game would you like Square Enix to show off at E3?

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What game would like to see

Final Fantasy 15 9 12.33%
Final Fantasy Versus 13 29 39.73%
Kingdom Hearts 3 20 27.40%
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13 3 4.11%
Other 12 16.44%
ryuzaki57 said:
VersusXIII PS4 is 100% sure at E3. In the surprise department, I would really like to see Type-0 International on Vita.

Not for PS3? How do you know it's "100% sure"? 

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just show me that FF VXIII is still alive(cross-gen for both PS3 & PS4) and FF XIII Agito for the PSV(prefer Agito over Type-0) and I'll be a happy camper.

How come nobody mentions Dragon Quest at all. The past few Dragon Quests, in my opinion, have done much more than the past few Final Fantasies. I stopped caring about it all after 10. It just isn't the same. They are trying to hard and it isn't paying off. Making extremely realistic games with, well... I won't go deep into that right now. I would like a HD 3D Chrono Trigger remake for Wii U+PS4, and possibly at least an announcement of Dragon Quest XI, and a US release date for Dragon Quest VII on 3DS.

Can somebody explain me please why all the buzz about XIII versus? Seriously, why people want it so much? Isn't it like an alternate version of XIII? I remember that when the two games were announced, people was like "WOO!", but when XIII released the hype died quickly; however, people was still asking for Versus.

Final Fantasy V for 3DS
Final Fantasy Versus XIII reappearing as Final Fantasy XV, for anything
Chrono Break
Sleeping Dogs 2
Final Fantasy VII Remake

Any of those would be rad.


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there is a game called "please be excited" that i would love for them to show! people have been talking about it for ages!

Wright said:
Can somebody explain me please why all the buzz about XIII versus? Seriously, why people want it so much? Isn't it like an alternate version of XIII? I remember that when the two games were announced, people was like "WOO!", but when XIII released the hype died quickly; however, people was still asking for Versus.

Well, Versus is supposed to be open world (not like FFXIII), will have a deep story, a big city like Tokio, battle system like Kingdom Hearts (I like that), mechas, airship!!, etc etc

But I guess "Please be excited" will be a better game since it has appeared in many events including the PS4 event...

Secret of Mana collection or Front Mission 3 HD, but that's not going to happen in a billion years.

A new Last Remnant would be cool!

Kingdom Hearts 3 exclusive for the Wii U.

The game because it would be nice, the exclusivity for the meltdowns. Square maybe does not make great games lately but they sure can drop a bomb.