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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo is the only one who has balls

orniletter said:
KHlover said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nintendo don't deserve anything as the production costs of making yet another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Sonic etc is incredibly low compared to a standard AAA title.

Ehm, wat?

Actually the Legend of Zelda games are the most expensive for Nintendo to develop. Skyward Sword has been in development for six years and was the most expensive Legend of Zelda to date. Zelda U is shaping up to be even more expensive. Metroid's production values are as high as those of any other AAA game, so it shouldn't be unreasonable to assume it wasn't exactly cheap to produce them.

Don´t bother with him, he is in the same league as Ninjablade !

Someone has to. If no duels him until he makes a mistake he will never get banned!

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KHlover said:
orniletter said:
KHlover said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nintendo don't deserve anything as the production costs of making yet another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Sonic etc is incredibly low compared to a standard AAA title.

Ehm, wat?

Actually the Legend of Zelda games are the most expensive for Nintendo to develop. Skyward Sword has been in development for six years and was the most expensive Legend of Zelda to date. Zelda U is shaping up to be even more expensive. Metroid's production values are as high as those of any other AAA game, so it shouldn't be unreasonable to assume it wasn't exactly cheap to produce them.

Don´t bother with him, he is in the same league as Ninjablade !

Someone has to. If no duels him until he makes a mistake he will never get banned!

The best part of his quote is that he lists Sonic as a Nintendo game :D (yeah, those cheap Sonic games on the Megadrive!)

But you are right, somene gotta do the dirty job

orniletter said:
KHlover said:
orniletter said:
KHlover said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nintendo don't deserve anything as the production costs of making yet another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Sonic etc is incredibly low compared to a standard AAA title.

Ehm, wat?

Actually the Legend of Zelda games are the most expensive for Nintendo to develop. Skyward Sword has been in development for six years and was the most expensive Legend of Zelda to date. Zelda U is shaping up to be even more expensive. Metroid's production values are as high as those of any other AAA game, so it shouldn't be unreasonable to assume it wasn't exactly cheap to produce them.

Don´t bother with him, he is in the same league as Ninjablade !

Someone has to. If no duels him until he makes a mistake he will never get banned!

The best part of his quote is that he lists Sonic as a Nintendo game :D (yeah, those cheap Sonic games on the Megadrive!)

But you are right, somene gotta do the dirty job

Atleast I let someone else step up to shine. :D

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
TripleMMM said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nintendo don't deserve anything as the production costs of making yet another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Sonic etc is incredibly low compared to a standard AAA title.

Care to elaborate? This is their first foray in HD and all such. But I have to admit the $60 price tag is really steep for my taste and in this frail economy... :/

How much time is spent in meetings and tech trials working out new game mechanics, ground breaking engines, new storylines, script writing, artwork etc? A vast amount. Now how much money is spent in making another Mario game with no voices, story, same style, same engine etc? Not much, hence why Nintendo can happily afford to lose money on pirated copies.

hunter_alien said:
teigaga said:
hunter_alien said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo has balls all right, but it just cost them major 3rd party support.


Are we sure though? Didn't the wii U's 3rd party support die once sale numbers came in for both hardware and software. I remember EA, Activision, Ubisoft.. All the big guns supported Wii U at launch.

Every major 3rd party supports every major platform release. Even the N-Gage had some support, tough it never took off. Its not that expensive to make a couple of launch titles, and see what happenes from there on. Too bad that most games underperformed on the U.

Nintendo came off from their most successfull console ever, and they fall on face. They should simply go handheld only IMO, at least there japanese developers are trully standing behind them

Did you call for sony to leave the business when the PS3 fell flat on it's face after the PS2?

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Turkish said:
If only they fixed 3rd party support. :(

Standing up to third parties and courting third parties are mutually exclusive goals. The only "fix" is cut their balls off and play along.

Nintendo's only other option is to hope that by satisfying customers instead of publishers, the market will come down on their side of the argument.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

KHlover said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Nintendo don't deserve anything as the production costs of making yet another Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Sonic etc is incredibly low compared to a standard AAA title.

Ehm, wat?

Actually the Legend of Zelda games are the most expensive for Nintendo to develop. Skyward Sword has been in development for six years and was the most expensive Legend of Zelda to date. Zelda U is shaping up to be even more expensive. Metroid's production values are as high as those of any other AAA game, so it shouldn't be unreasonable to assume it wasn't exactly cheap to produce them.

if Jimbo only would  know that most money from the aaa games goes into marketing and hyping....

thank you nintendo for not including origin in the wii u. i mean it thank you x100


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA

@hivycox lol i was agreeing with everything until you went and blamed it all on Sony. WTF!?

Why do you all always blame Sony? This is not Sony's fault. ..the hell you gonna sit here and blame Sony for Nintendo's lost support

Nintendo chose their own path and its not Sony's fault

hivycox said:

the latest rumours say that Sony had also plans for DRM but hold them because of the reactions after the XBone reveal! They might or might not be giving it to that but thats not the matter right now!

it is no wonder why EA dropped the online pass system. The XBone will have DRM and such don't require these online passes. The question is:

Have EA done this decision only for 1 console? I think NOT!


Without Sony on the DRM train, EA wouldn't have abandoned online passes. Its easy to let Nintendo in the dust because they won't get as much third party support as the other consoles devs.

the point is: with Sony holding their plans for DRM, EA is rethinking their strategy thus admit after the XBOne reveal that they would work at Nintendo titles. It is up to Sony and their decision.


That is complete bullshit what is going on! I'm disgusted with this industry right now! I'm more disgusted by many people here in this very forum who praise Sony to the death and give Nintendo zero shits. Nintendo was in my eyes the ONLY company who don't give in to EA mad game by not letting them put origin on their system. That would have made DRM on the Wii U available and EA would make more games for the Wii U.

NIntendo is the only ones who has the balls to do that! Everybody who praise Sony should or rather must praise NIntendo AT LEAST equally. Things people criticise about other console are a naturalness for Nintendo: Backwards compatibility, support of last gens controller, no not supporting used games! no paying extra for play used games! no mandatory installation of games. The Wii U may be weaker than its competitors and hasn't had a game in the last months but games will come and they will be amazing! 

people should learn not to support these stupid decisions made by greedy companies and not to buy them in order to let them know that they can't bullshit us! For the sakemof all of us I hope that Sony won't give in to DRM....Its just not worth it!


...and its a shame Nintendo don't get the proper credits they deserve! 


I'm out...peace!



I'll tell you one thing.  You need to learn some grammar.  That post was painful to read.