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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game Critics: Game of the Year Winners Announced

the list has only good games

but in all honestly, it is a real american list


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Ajax said:
the list has only good games

but in all honestly, it is a real american list

Every publication in there is American-based, I believe. I think it was meant to be an American list.

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thats just to low of a place for super mario galaxy also there should be 2 for wii since rock band is gonna come out for it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

rocketpig said:
KruzeS said:

rocketpig said:

Yes, this list of judges just screeeeeeeaaams bias: (.....)

Look, there's not one single Nintendo apologist on that list. How is that fair? *kicks feet and whines*

No, but the fact that the votes of those individuals that were sent to cast them clearly don't represent the position of their editorial teams, does scream bias.

Again, case in point: Mario Galaxy was voted no. 7 by IGN's envoy. I guess the fact that his publication elected the game as their overall game of the year shouldn't have influenced him one bit.

That may be his personal opinion, that's fine. But then this is nothing more than a bundle of 30 or so personal opinions, and really shouldn't be represented as such.

Were the votes supposed to be an "overall" vote for their publication? It doesn't look that way because they list each individual editor by name and give a decription of the person.

Is the Hall of Fame voter for the LA Times supposed to take a poll around the office before casting his or her vote? No, even if that person is a representative for that publication (and only gets to vote because of their status at said publication), they vote based on their opinion. It may not be perfect but no list is ever going to be perfect.

The reason I'm ranting on about this is because it gets really tiring to see any list on this forum that doesn't drop to its knees and suck off Nintendo get called biased, incomplete, stupid, etc. etc. etc. by people who haven't even played half the games on the list.

All of those games on that list are great or have great elements to them. I couldn't care less what order they are put in, they're all getting the recognition they deserve.

While generally true. This was really the wrong one to make this point on... as their are some issues with some of the judges... and the way the voting went seems like it would allow people to "stack" the deck for games they wanted to win. Which could of been the case for people who for some reason elected to not have their votes shown.

Even if some of these people don't have intentional bias, based on who they work for it's almost definite they are going to have a lot more exposure to some games then others.  Multiplatform games in general are going to benefit when you have "specialty magazines" and other publications that only deal with 1 system regularly.

I do agree it would probably be better if instead of a top 10 games in a 1-10 order they just list 10 games in alphabetical order.

I understand what you're saying but is there even a Nintendo publication that gives ratings to games? Does Nintendo Power do that? If not, I can see why they weren't included (I haven't read a Nintendo Power in almost 20 years).

As for computer games stacking the deck, that's only fair given the nature of most game publications. In case you hadn't noticed, EGM, Game Informer, etc. don't give much notice to PC gaming at all. The list needed a few computer guys to balance the list a bit and IMO, they chose the most obvious publications for voting.

Then they tossed in a few of the non-traditional big boys (USA Today, Yahoo, etc.) to round things out a bit. I have no problems with any of the publications they chose for the panel.

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Here you guys go.  GOTY list determined by the largest amalgam of respected video game journalism in the industry.

1. Super Mario Galaxy WII Nintendo 62 8.9 97.235%
2. The Orange Box PC EA Games 30 9.6 96.183%
3. The Orange Box X360 EA Games 48 9.1 96.079%
4. BioShock X360 2K Games 85 9.2 95.235%
5. BioShock PC 2K Games 42 8.3 94.964%
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360 Activision 67 8.9 94.149%
7. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3 Activision 41 7.8 93.432%
8. Halo 3 X360 Microsoft Game Studios 82 8.5 93.357%
9. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3 Bethesda Softworks 51 7.7 93.216%
10. Rock Band X360 MTV Games 47 8.2 93.137%
11. Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar PC Stardock 24 7.9 92.917%
12. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PC Activision 36 8.2 92.889%
13. God of War II PS2 SCEA 77 9.0 92.454%
14. Guitar Hero II X360 RedOctane 56 8.1 91.959%
15. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC Blizzard Entertainment 45 7.5 91.056%
16. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition WII Capcom 56 8.8 90.995%
17. Final Fantasy VI Advance GBA Nintendo 23 8.6 90.891%
18. Rock Band PS3 MTV Games 23 -- 90.835%
19. Crysis PC EA Games 52 7.8 90.715%
20. Mass Effect X360 Microsoft Game Studios 69 9.1 90.713%

There, now can we stop posting every single random "who cares" GOTY list in the universe?  Thanks, the year ended a month ago.  MOVE ON!

What? Mass Effect is TWENTIETH?


*stomps feet and screams like a 12 year old girl with a skinned knee*

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rocketpig said:
I understand what you're saying but is there even a Nintendo publication that gives ratings to games? Does Nintendo Power do that? If not, I can see why they weren't included (I haven't read a Nintendo Power in almost 20 years).

As for computer games stacking the deck, that's only fair given the nature of most game publications. In case you hadn't noticed, EGM, Game Informer, etc. don't give much notice to PC gaming at all. The list needed a few computer guys to balance the list a bit and IMO, they chose the most obvious publications for voting.

Then they tossed in a few of the non-traditional big boys (USA Today, Yahoo, etc.) to round things out a bit. I have no problems with any of the publications they chose for the panel.

They do. The reason they wern't included though i'd imagine is a lot of the publications have connections with each other. (For example quite a few are comcast subsidiaries.)

The real problem is though that you can't work it like that because of the inherent bias that is going to happen if you do that.

For example, say you were doing this and you took 4 fanboys, 1 Nintendo, 1 360, 1 PC and 1 PS3. The multiplatform titles are going to rule.

By "balancing" for PC they are also throwing everything out of order with the other balance.

Basically Nintendo is getting a poor shake because of lack of multi-platform games and just because it's "different".  1st party games in general get the shaft... though Nintendo did the most just do to the lack of a Nintendo only publication or two.

I mean notice that none of the actual PC games on that list are PC exclusives. As for the nontraditional guys... where there problem lies in that they nominate games like Cooking Mama. (Seriously, the guy from the LA times voted for Cooking Mama.)

The only way for a list like this to really work is basically to use Metacritic or something. (well gamerankings since metacritic weights)

Its a pretty good list overall, all the wii fans crying, have any of you guys even played the other games on the list. I've played most of them and SMG does not even come close to the best, even CoD4 with its broken online on the PS3 is better then SMG, even with everything wrong with Halo3 it blows SMG out of the water.

amp316 said:
Was this the list of the top shooters of the year? Oh , Mario and Rock Band are in there. LOL.

 Oh, wait, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, and God of War II are not shooters.  And I haven't played Uncharted, but I don't believe that's a shooter either.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)