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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why I hate Sony

1. Sony may base some games off of Nintendo franchises but couldn't you say Sega did the same? Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Sonic and Little Big Planet- all platformers, all very different games. and what's wrong with trying to emulate a game and make it your own. Does this mean Saints Row is a copy of GTA? No! Also, If move is a copy of the wii, the kinect is a copy of the eyetoy. And you claim Sony stole features from Nintendo, but they made them better. N64 had 1 analog stick, Sony improved it by adding a 2nd stick. Rumble was an add on the N64 controller, Sony saw that and built it into their controller. Technology just evolves. You could also claim based on this that a Samsung phone is a copy of an iPhone despite being completely different to each other, or any competitor for that matter.

2. You say about reliability when that is a Xbox problem lol and you say what is one of the most unlikely scenarios ever. For all you know, that might have been a faulty unit. My PS3 slim has worked fine for 4 years now. As for the hacking of PSN, that could have happened to anyone. It's unfortunate it took one month to get online, but it's resulted in a far more stable system and why rush to restore a service if it's vulnerable? At least it's free

3. Arrogance can be claimed about any of the big 3 or it's fans but mostly Sony or Microsoft. You said about Sony, so i'll give a case of Microsoft. For example, Adam Orth told people to "deal with it" when people complained about the always online rumour for Xbox a few months ago. And PS3 did have games, it could of had a better launch mind. Resistance, Motorstorm, Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted all in the launch year of 2007. The first year of a new console is always slow.

4. I pretty much agree with that point, fanboys no matter who they support are just terrible

5. You couldn't be more wrong. It's the Xbox One that threatens to change and possibly damage the gaming industry. For a gaming console that hardly focuses on the games and innovations gaming can bring. You claim sony want to change games into interactive movies with the cutscenes but nearly every 3D game has these movie style cutscenes. You could say Call of Duty or Halo though it was an action movie, for instance. As systems become more and more capable, cutscenes and realism may be the things developers go for. You can't blame that on one publisher. I mean what was wrong with Heavy Rain, it was just telling you a interactive story which had many endings based on your actions, QTE's didn't allow you to watch it. And i don't see your problem with Uncharted or God of War, what movies are they supposed to be based off? Sony, just believe in a variety in gaming and want new and unique IP's to form. Something, Microsoft should do.

Finally, i have the right to declare your opinions bonkers

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

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BasilZero said:
chocoloco said:
I have always thought Nintendo fanboys are the worst. It probably depends on your bias. Though it is dumb to be a fanboy in general.

Also, too long did not read.

Read my quote above lmao

BasilZero said:

Damn that Sony for taking our joobies and copying everything!


Yeah, damn them!

Rudisha said:


Disclaimer: I know this is controversial and may rile a few people up, but hear me out. The rules say that you can state your opinion as long as you support them. I will do this extensively below. I am not here to rile anyone up. I just want to share my opinion. ANd if anyone wants to discuss it, then please do so peacefully.  

To the mods: if anything is against the rules, let me know and I will adjust my post accordingly. 

First, I think I should give a brief history about myself. First and foremost, I am not a fanboy. I am a gamer, a *real* gamer. And as a real gamer, I feel that by default, I have an obligation to hate Sony, or at least I should not think so highly of them. No, I’m not some anti-social, 30-something-year-old virgin, nerd living in his mother’s basement with no job or education. I have a very active social life, I have a good job, and my hatred of Sony has not made a significant, negative impact on my life. If anything, my hatred of Sony has helped my life, because I have met many friends who Sony too.

1. They copy Nintendo

Sony simply has no respect for creative integrity. Sony straight up steals right from Nintendo’s playbook. I don’t even care about Nintendo much, but I hate all thieves. I mean, I’m surprised Sony has not been shut down already from their blatant thievery.

I believe the most known example of their robbery is obviously the Playstation Move. I don’t think anyone can deny that the Playstation Move was a giant ripoff of the Wii. Sony was never interested in motion controls before. They even said so in an interview about the Wii. They arrogantly said, “The Wii and motion controls are a fad and will die in the future.” (Paraphrasing, of course) Yet, after the Wii was such a huge success, they came out with the Playstation Move, which is just an upgraded version of the Wii-mote, with Playstation aesthetics slapped on it. It’s exactly the same. Sony’s thievish ways goes before the Move though. Remember analog sticks? They stole that from Nintendo. Rumble? They stole that from Nintendo. Back-buttons, face-button placement, etc. All stolen from Nitnendo.

Obviously, it doesn’t just stop at hardware. They have also copied Nintendo’s game. Playstation: All Stars: Battle Royale, LittleBigPlanet Karting, LittleBigPlanet, Crash Bandicoot, are all Nintendo copies. Battle Royale is the most obvious suspect. I mean, who do you think of when you think of a 2D brawler with various characters from different franchises? Smash Bros! Nintendo blatantly stole from smash bros. Also LittleBigPlanet is a rip off of Mario. And LBP Karting and Modnation racers are rip-offs of Mario Kart.

2. Unreliable Hardware and Software

Nintendo consoles always last longer than Playstation consoles. I saw the statistics somewhere but I forgot where. When I find them, I’ll post them here. Yes, I know Microsoft had a few reliability issues too, but at least they fixed them. Sony didn’t even try. They just left it as it is and said “deal with it”.

Here’s a quick anecdote. September 2009, my mother won a free PS3 Slim from some raffle. She tried to give the console away to someone but no one would take it. So she gave it to me so I could find someone to sell it to. I personally didn’t like the idea of a Playstation being in my house, but I figured it was worth it since I would profit from it. While the PS3 was at my house, my younger cousins were over. They said they wanted to play it. I didn’t like the idea at first, but eventually I let them play because it would teach them why the console sucks. Bad idea! After only about 5 minutes of playing, the console spontaneously set ablaze and nearly burned my entire living room down. This is simply unacceptable major console manufacturer.

Also, they’re software and networking is terrible too. Remember the infamous PSN outage of 2010? I do. My uncle had all of his credit card information on PSN, but it was stolen from some low-level hackers. My uncle got all of his info stolen, lost over $1000 dollars and nearly lost his identity. All because of Sony and their unreliable software.

3. Arrogance

Let’s be honest. Sony is the most arrogant of the Big Three. Remember when people questioned the pricing of the PS3 back when it first released? Sony responded by saying, “get a second job.” What type of people do they think they are? The fact that they even tried to sell a console for $600 and no games is just a testament of their arrogance. And they also called the Wii a fad. There are much more examples I could give but I think the message is clear. Sony is extremely arrogant and this will eventually lead to their downfall.

4. Sony fanboys are the worst.

I know what you’re thinking. “You shouldn’t let your gaming be dictated by other people.” I understand that, but hear me out. Have you ever been walking down the street and you see a bunch of douchebags on the sidewalk who are obviously looking for trouble. Unless you want to scuffle, what are you going to do. Obviously you’re going to around them, by choosing a different route. But wait, you could also use the “You shouldn’t let your walking be dictated by other people” logic here. Clearly, looking at the example I gave, that logic is simply flawed. Some people don’t like bad people, so it’s understandable to not want to associate with them.

Now, why are Sony fanboys the worst? Well, I have a lot of reasons. Remember when the PS4 was unveiled? Well, just like Sony, the Sony fanboys were very arrogant, posting Kaz gifs everywhere, declaring PS4 domination, etc. And this gifs were always targeted at either Nintendo or Microsoft. How do you think that makes non-Sony fans feel? All this, and the console wasn’t even shown. Contrast this without Microsoft’s conference (which actually showed the console), and Xbox fans were more classy. You don’t see many Balmer gifs flying around or people yelling “Microsoft domination!” Xbox fans simply have more class.

Sony fans simply stomp over other fans as if they are gods or something. Whenever a Sony and Microsoft fan are in a debate, a bunch more Sony fans always come in to gang up on the innocent Microsoft fan. This happens all the time since there are so few Xbox fans on this site. What this does is drive away the good Xbox fans on this site. The proof of this occurrence can be seen by the few Xbox fans. Also, Sony fans are always making insane predictions. Remember how All Stars was going to sell 5 million units? Or how LittleBigPlanet was going to sell 20 million units? I do. This distorted view of reality makes it a pain for the reasonable users who want a clear look at the world.

5. Their systematic attempt to destroy the gaming industry as we know it.

Here is the big one. Sony is trying to destroy the industry as we know it in 2 ways. Firstly, they are promoting unreliable hardware and software, which I have touched on earlier. But more importantly, they are promoting movies over games. Ever since Sony’s inception into the console war, they’ve always had an ulterior motive. They weren’t about games. During the PS1, Sony was about CDs. During the PS2, Sony was about DVDs. And with the PS3, Sony was about Blu Rays.

Clearly, Sony has a fascination with advancing movie mediums to help their movie division. I don’t have a problem with this. I have a problem when they let this invade into gaming. Games like Uncharted, God of War, etc. are trying to gradually shift games away from games into Movies. Sony is trying turn gaming into a cutscene event where you just sit back and watch the game play itself. Uncharted and God of War were bad, but Heavy Rain was a downright attack on the industry as we know it. Clearly, Uncharted and God of War were just to test the waters to see how consumers reacted to cinematic experiences. But Heavy Rain is the start of the ultimate transition from games to movies.

All I know is, if the PS4 wins next generation, gaming is going to slowly, but surely be reduced to quicktime events. I also have reason to believe that Sony worships the devil, but I have nothing to back this up at the moment.



Truth been hurtful for Sony fan boys and dude u r my god I don't care if I get banned for it 

in all seroiusness it's threads like this they make me think people are WAY too invested it this "console war"

people make it seem that Sony/MS/Ninty have personally wronged them in some irrehensible what if one percieves that comapny A copies company B; is their some code that all business follow? it's called competition; and if they go to far then they will see each other in court.

and this talk about "fanboys" making them dislike a companys or atleast its fans; you're letting someone that you don't know on the internet get to you? and not ALL fans image a particular group people, it's just as ridiculous as here in america the "all muslims are terrorists" motion carried by some people.

and all systems have their share of unreliable hardware; does one need to bring up say the RROD fiasco of this gen? i went through that and didn't curse MS, my cousin burnt her hand when the rechargable batteries in the wiimote went deffective, and same thing happen to me but with a PSP rechargable battery.

just get over yourself man...

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i hate sony because they raped mario and forced him then to have sex with miyamoto while luigi kidnapped peach.

i also hate sony because they forced gamers to play games which technically don't look like shit or have the word" Mario " in their title.

I hate sony because they never worked in prostitution business like nintendo did.they don't respect womens right to work for male pimps.damned sony chauvinists.

BasilZero said:
KHlover said:
BasilZero said:

Damn that Sony for taking our joobies and copying everything!


Yeah, damn them!

Oh snap they used the same color! Dammit to hell, Sony truly are devil worshippers D:

o.O Doesn't the N64 DD look like the the gaping mouth of hell to you?

Sony still worshipping Nintendo C.O.N.F.I.R.M.E.D

BasilZero said:
KHlover said:
BasilZero said:

Damn that Sony for taking our joobies and copying everything!




Yeah, damn them!

Oh snap they used the same color! Dammit to hell, Sony truly are devil worshippers D:

"Why I hate Sony"

"if anyone wants to discuss it, then please do so peacefully."

So you make a statement about hate, but encourage people to discuss this "peacefully". That's rich...

I'll discuss meaningful arguments, but not this incredibly one-sided dim witted rant

Seems like someone ruined this guys birthdayparty...