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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - It is official, New Xbox is named "XBOX One"- Pics of back of system and specs!

That's silly.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Around the Network

I think it's lame. I thought they were just going to call it "XBox" for a moment there, and I think that would be OK. Not a huge fan of XBox One.

Dont like it. Sounds like an old system in my opinion.

Not as bad as Wii U, but the name could have been far better. At least they were smart enough not to just go with "Xbox."

Isn't the original Xbox technically the "Xbox 1"?

Around the Network

4 > 1. Sony won already.

Crap name. Crap design. Crap video-game.
A machine that want to do all, won´t do nothing.

~Mod Edit~

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Soriku said:

Ah, but you see, MS is going for 1st place. Sony is going for 4th (is that even possible?). MS > Sony.

The name's aight. That's a pretty thick box though.

Pfffft. Go back to GAF with that stupid logic.

Oh, wait. You can't. It's dead! LOOOOL!

PS4 for me

Xbox is doomed. MS is dead. Software company only.