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misteromar mk4 said:
Its the beginning of the end for america as a "super power", soon it will be no more powerful than Germany France etc. It will still be a important country, but just one of many, instead of sitting on top the hill by its self.

I guess the "terrorist" win then, by dragging it into a war it cannot win and sends the country into financial ruin. America will no longer be able to rule the world with a iron fist and do as they please., I just love the political comments people post on videogame forums. 


Although I suppose it's rather scary that people actually believe the war in Iraq is the primary reason for Americas financial woes and the looming recession. 

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Go Australian dollar

souixan said:
Whats funny is past trips to Canada they took my American dollars and refused to give me change giving a 1 - 1 exchange. I bet you now that the American dollar is less they'll sing a different tune.

I don't know what you mean. Now that it is more, you would have to pay MORE for that item.

Yeah the Aussie dollar is really doing good... our economy is BOOMING on a massive scale.

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

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Jessman: Fears the Mangina



Aj_habfan said:
souixan said:
Whats funny is past trips to Canada they took my American dollars and refused to give me change giving a 1 - 1 exchange. I bet you now that the American dollar is less they'll sing a different tune.

I don't know what you mean. Now that it is more, you would have to pay MORE for that item.

That's exactly what he means. For example when he would go to Canadaand say buy something that was 5 dollars Canadaian before. If he payed with a 10 Dollar American bill he would get back 5 Candaian dollars instead of the 6-7-8 or whatever Canadian dollars he should of gotten.

Now when he goes to those same places it's likely if he buys the same 5 dollar canadian item with a 10 dollar bill he will get less then 5 canadian dollars instead of them just giving him a 5 to "keep it easy" like they did before.

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That's because our economy is in the trash right now. I hate it.

misteromar mk4 said:
Its the beginning of the end for america as a "super power", soon it will be no more powerful than Germany France etc. It will still be a important country, but just one of many, instead of sitting on top the hill by its self.

I guess the "terrorist" win then, by dragging it into a war it cannot win and sends the country into financial ruin. America will no longer be able to rule the world with a iron fist and do as they please.

Well, I guess we lost.

I could counter with an argument about how the US dollar had been artifically inflated for years and how other countries "dollarizing" has killed its value but I guess your opinion on how America is suddenly not the power it once was makes much more sense.

Damn. Now America is just France with hard-on.

*weeps silently* 

Or check out my new webcomic:

misteromar mk4 said:
Its the beginning of the end for america as a "super power", soon it will be no more powerful than Germany France etc. It will still be a important country, but just one of many, instead of sitting on top the hill by its self.

I guess the "terrorist" win then, by dragging it into a war it cannot win and sends the country into financial ruin. America will no longer be able to rule the world with a iron fist and do as they please.

Are you TRYING to make us ping your IP and bomb your country?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


yo, the creator of this thread can eat me.

Such a low blow by a lowly person.

"lol at us$"


U.S is still king of the world baby.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ZenfoldorVGI said:
misteromar mk4 said:
Its the beginning of the end for america as a "super power", soon it will be no more powerful than Germany France etc. It will still be a important country, but just one of many, instead of sitting on top the hill by its self.

I guess the "terrorist" win then, by dragging it into a war it cannot win and sends the country into financial ruin. America will no longer be able to rule the world with a iron fist and do as they please.

Are you TRYING to make us ping your IP and bomb your country?

 That made me laugh.

I really don't get the people cheering on US economic problems. Even if you feel the US has it coming for whatever reason, a US recession means a global recession. Americans may suffer longer or harder than the rest of us, but we will all suffer to some degree.

 Personally, I hope the US economy smooths out, or at least glides down to an easy landing. There are too many parallels between today and 1929. All the experts say that the Depression can never happen again, but I'd rather not risk it.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.