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Aj_habfan said:
souixan said:
Whats funny is past trips to Canada they took my American dollars and refused to give me change giving a 1 - 1 exchange. I bet you now that the American dollar is less they'll sing a different tune.

I don't know what you mean. Now that it is more, you would have to pay MORE for that item.

That's exactly what he means. For example when he would go to Canadaand say buy something that was 5 dollars Canadaian before. If he payed with a 10 Dollar American bill he would get back 5 Candaian dollars instead of the 6-7-8 or whatever Canadian dollars he should of gotten.

Now when he goes to those same places it's likely if he buys the same 5 dollar canadian item with a 10 dollar bill he will get less then 5 canadian dollars instead of them just giving him a 5 to "keep it easy" like they did before.