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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Look at the lines for SSBB! (Famitsu Coverage of Launch)

Thats one helluva long line =P I think I am going to trick myself into thinking the launch is later than it is so I don't have to suffer through that personally.

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^^apparently because he called the two girls fugly. But what a character.

Or possibly for claiming that nobody was buying the game, despite two pictures that clearly showed differently.

Ie, trolling.

Desroko said:
Or possibly for claiming that nobody was buying the game, despite two pictures that clearly showed differently.

Ie, trolling.
I wouldn't call that trolling. I would say being deluded by his fanboy reality.


Looks like SSBB 500k is confirmed!
If only they could track gamcube controllers sales, looks like it will beat Wii worldwide numbers in Japan alone.

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I think it was the SMG flamebait comment that sent him over the top. But really it was a combo of things. His posting history doesn't inspire confidence in his intentions/contributions either.

To Each Man, Responsibility

Maybe I cant see lines like this in the USA because I live in Orlando with 4 gamestops within 10 minutes and probably about 15 stores that sell games within 15 minutes.

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Oh I don't suppose anyone knows what happened at the store that had over 800 pre-orders? Just seems like it would get a follow-up story but I can't find anything on it so I would assume it went well since if it went horribly we would have heard something...yes/no?

To Each Man, Responsibility

I don't think any Smash fans have reason to worry.

Smash will sell by the ton.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I just gave that guy a warning. Then he decided to send me a nasty message and call me a douche. After that it was bye bye.

Getting back to topic, here is a report from IGN.

Japan Lines Up for Smash
Hundreds brave clear skies and unseasonable warmth.
by John Tanaka

January 30, 2008 - Nintendo may just have a hit on its hands with this "Smash Brothers" game. Released in Japan earlier today, Smash Bros. X (probably known as Smash Bros. Brawl where you live) got masses of consumers to line up outside of retailers prior to opening time -- a rare site for a game that isn't Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy.

Your IGN Japan headquarters near Tokyo's Shibuya train station has walkable access to two large Bic Camera outlets. While both managed lines of maybe a dozen or so for Wii Fit late last year, the scene for Smash Bros. today was far more hectic. At opening time, the larger of the two shops had at least one hundred people lined up to purchase the game from a special register that had been set up in the store front. Going up to the game section on the fourth floor, we found another 50 lined up there, most with Smash Bros. in hand.

The less crowded of the two Bic Cameras

This is what a special launch register looks like