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Forums - Sony Discussion - ethomaz's #15YearsOfGT Live Thread (GT6 PS3 2013; GT5 10.66M)

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Troll_Whisperer said:
Yeah, there were a lot of "racing games are not popular anymore" and "PS3's install base is too small" kind of statements back then. There was a prediction thread, someone should dig it out.

May try to find it. Though I was yound and naive then so who knows what I said in it...


Also, it's PS3 exclusive. Nice way to shoot yourself in the foot.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network

can anybody give me a link to the live streaming ?

Has Ethomaz fainted out of excitement or something?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Carl2291 said:
GT6, Holiday 2013, PS3


It is for PS3 dudes....

GT6 is comming.... holiday 2013.

Around the Network
Sal.Paradise said:
We should bring up some old GT5 lifetime sales predictions threads. I wasn't here back then but I imagine everyone was intent on voicing their opinion.

Go to the GT5 wall and look for a guy by the name of "atma" lol


@mods relax, I'm just throwing out a random name ;)

"Basics of the GT6 core is new"

"code has been completely refactored"

"new rendering engine, flexible, compact and nimble"


This was has a nice table.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

"GT6 to use adaptive tessalation"

CGI-Quality should know stuff about this. Is this great?


GTPlanet @GTPlanetNews

Basics of the GT6 core is new
code has been completely refactored
new rendering engine, flexible, compact and nimble
allows great expandability of system