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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

A wild Witcher appears

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I think it's fair to say nobody expected The Witcher 3 for Switch to enter the charts in Japan

Ugh, Pokemon double pack wasn't out of stock, yesterday was just an anomaly.

Oh, hello, other reason October will lay yet more waste to my poor wallet. I'm almost glad there's not much coming out in December. Between Dragon Quest, Pokemon, and The Witcher 3, I will NOT have any time or money for new games in December.

Damn pokemon has been racking some points lately.

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Sword and Shield are now 8 points from surpassing Let's Go's final total.

Good, Sw/Sh should be able to pass LGPE now. Dare I hope for 500 points?

So, 203 pts at launch for Dragon Quest XI.
Hopefully the ratio is really strong once for Famitsu numbers.

FYI Tecmo stated Ryza sold 150k including digital, waiting for those DQ numbers to hit >.>

Last edited by Luke888 - on 30 September 2019

Pokemon making many points but the other Switch titles don't get anything lately...