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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

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After a halfway decent Monday, COMG is back to its old dying self. At least Monster Hunter got something. It's about to break 100. We'll actually have three 100+ point games and it's not even the holiday season yet.

Poor Astral Chain...maybe we'll get to see it for a single day if it releases a day after the 3 SKUS that leave in two days? A lot of worldwide release Switch games seem to do that.

AL standard and LE are still tied. Who will win on the final day? Find out on the next action packed episode of COMG Z!

Launch and release sales are looking damn good for Persona

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3 New games tomorrow.

And no Astral Chain has showed up on COMGet. Maybe on the weekly sales statistic on monday...

Bofferbrauer2 said:
3 New games tomorrow.

And no Astral Chain has showed up on COMGet. Maybe on the weekly sales statistic on monday...


FF7 and P5 increase. DS finally increase.

So standard and LE version of AL end in a tie. What a battle.

3 new Switch games and none of them are Astral Chain. Ouch.