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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

SpokenTruth said:
Roketan said:

Probably that Famitsu DVD special that came with a 10+ minute trailer for Persona 4 with every issue.

Is this something they plan to replicate with Persona 5?

I don't think they are doing the Famitsu DVD thing anymore so chances are slim. Although, i expect a final big trailer for Persona 5. If Persona 3 and 4 got 10+ minutes final trailers why not Persona 5 too?

Around the Network

Website hasn't updated yet!

Pokemon with 0p today woop woop

Boutros said:

Website hasn't updated yet!

Was just about to call for hour head! 

Is it a good or a bad thing?

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Around the Network
Boutros said:

Website hasn't updated yet!

But you're the COMG wizard! Make it update! 

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

I'll give the daily amazon Japan update instead.

BEASTERIA ps4 still #1. On amazon at least it's performing brilliantly.

Ratchet and clank still got 2 skus around the #10 position. Holding on better than I'd thought.

Is Boutros drunk again? This happens way too often in the last few weeks... I am really worrying about his health. :(


Yasss finally!!!! I dont mean the charts, i mean stuff got lots of points during a weekday!!!! Hopefully this means that this weekend will be much better than the last week.

Pocky Lover Boy!