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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Clyde32 said:
It's about time.

For real. It's worrying that it took so long, but better late than never I guess.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


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It finally shows up, well better late than never

You know...that was a pretty bad day.

Kresnik said:
Boutros said:

Hey guys I'm leaving until June 19th tomorrow so I'm going to need someone to take over while I'm gone! Who's up for the task?! Show it to me with today's update!

Merry travels.  I will miss you!

Thanks I'll miss y'all too!

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yea... everyone in Japan to busy playing splatoon to pre order. Some even found it so fun that they had to cancel pre orders because they'll be busy with it for so long.

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Saizo said:
Aaaaand IA/VT delayed again...
Clyde32 said:

IA/VT just got delayed to July 31st I believe.

Thanks I would have missed that!

All those charts without splatoon makes me sad :(

Charts are going to be a bit boring now.

Most of these games are going to move very slow/not move at all.

Skullwaker said:
Clyde32 said:
It's about time.

For real. It's worrying that it took so long, but better late than never I guess.

Yeah, it took too long. But advertisement just started this past thursday in Japan. I guess from Sunday's ND, Nintendo is going to push harder the game.

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