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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!


Retagging as this is about to fall of my chartz', buddy!

Hopefully tomorrow brings us something more exciting than Pokemon returning after a day's absence.

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Kresnik said:

Retagging as this is about to fall of my chartz', buddy!

Hopefully tomorrow brings us something more exciting than Pokemon returning after a day's absence.

lego city >:(

Tomorrow we may be seeing Yakuza HD, and likely a Vita title Danganronpa or Mind-0 "this won't sell well after all".

5 new titles!!

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Lego maybe
Yakuza never

probably more PS3 and the return of Pokemon TL

EricFabian said:
Lego maybe
Yakuza never

probably more PS3 and the return of Pokemon TL

I dont think that Lego City will sell well in Japan, nor will appear in his last day of pre order... I think Yakuza will still appear.

Edit: Wait, i just saw amazon best sellers, and Lego is actually at #1! Maybe it appears tomorow on COMG :D

Renewed list tomorrow, nice.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Isn't that Mind 0 game for vita meant to be out in a week or so? surprised it hasn't charted yet.

pezus said:
PS3 domination :o

For as long as I can remember these lists have been Sony dominated. Even during the ridiculous success of the Wii and DS, arguably. A shame it never comes across like that in the Media Create sales, but I guess it shows that more pele pre-order Sony stuff, then.


I honestly have no idea what will be coming. Final Fantasy and Pokemon, certainly. But what else?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.