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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Xxain said:
Since MH4 has 1936 we can assume sells FW sells of 1,936,000???


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So lookin at JoJo points what would be a good estimate?

kopstudent89 said:
Michael-5 said:
Conegamer said:
So are we thinking that maybe any more Wii U or Vita titles will make the cut? Surely FFX will, no?

Lost Planet 3 will most surely remake the list, since it was on 3 days ago with 14 points. I think Drakengard 3 will show up soon too, maybe Zelda for 3DS too. FFX does sound good, but Japan sees a lot of random high selling games, so maybe not.

Mind 0 for PSV is likely since it releases in about a week.

Maybe....just maybe....Wonderful 101 for Wii U.

This one game named Exsteria releases for Vita and 3DS in Japan in October, looks really good.

Zelda 3DS won't make the list till a month before release. No Wii U titles either I predict till Windwaker (maybe W101). Most probably Vita, 3DS and PS3 games will continue to dominate. I think there have been a few 3DS titles announced so we should see them starting to chart.

Well Lost Planet 3 will come back on, maybe Drakengard 3, and maybe Exsteria. Mind 0 should appear soon, even if only briefly.

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Michael-5 said:

Well Lost Planet 3 will come back on, maybe Drakengard 3, and maybe Exsteria. Mind 0 should appear soon, even if only briefly.

Totally forgot that Lost Planet was still a thing.



It's the perfect meme to bump the thread back to the top of my Buddy List.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

So when will this chart mirror amazon and show god eater 2 overturning monhun4?


On a more serious note, what's the highest score of all time in that chart?

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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Chandler said:
So when will this chart mirror amazon and show god eater 2 overturning monhun4?

Uh, it never will.

GE2 had pre-orders open on Amazon at the same period that MH4 pre-orders had sold out on Amazon.

GE2 isn't even on top in Amaon anymore.  AA5 is now.  But Amazon is a poor measure for consistant success anyway.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:
Chandler said:
So when will this chart mirror amazon and show god eater 2 overturning monhun4?

Uh, it never will.

GE2 had pre-orders open on Amazon at the same period that MH4 pre-orders had sold out on Amazon.

GE2 isn't even on top in Amaon anymore.  AA5 is now.  But Amazon is a poor measure for consistant success anyway.

i think he was acting sarcastic lol.

Xxain said:
So lookin at JoJo points what would be a good estimate?

At least 250k FW I think. It could be more if it picks up.

It will easily be CyberConnect2's highest selling game and it might do it in its first week.

Chandler said:

So when will this chart mirror amazon and show god eater 2 overturning monhun4?


On a more serious note, what's the highest score of all time in that chart?

You're getting a decent amount of mileage out of that thread, eh?

To answer your second question, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.  More than 5000 points, but I can't remember exactly how many since the archive isn't working anymore.  Pokemon scores well into the thousands too.

Viper1 said:
Michael-5 said:

Well Lost Planet 3 will come back on, maybe Drakengard 3, and maybe Exsteria. Mind 0 should appear soon, even if only briefly.

Totally forgot that Lost Planet was still a thing.

Everyone do it now!

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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