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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

I see I leave for a few days and come back to not much at all.

Hello Hyrule Warriors. At least you're avoiding complete bomb territory.

Hello Neptunia. I'm sure your points to sales ratio is going to be absolutely abysmal.

Around the Network
Kresnik said:
I see I leave for a few days and come back to not much at all.

Hello Hyrule Warriors. At least you're avoiding complete bomb territory.

Well its not out of the blast zone yet, but i have a feeling we are looking into HW on COMG Prematurely. 

1. Though not the best "Excuse" at least it has charted for a WiiU Title (Games like LoZ WW HD did not on COMG).

2. The Popular SKU isnt here. Though it might not matter much, it could be a huge factor.

3. Digitally its much cheaper well at least by 1k Yen :P

Also for the longest I said expect 40k-60k FW, it doesn't matter if its a Musao game (they do wat? 200k-300k FW normally?), I gave the example of SM3DW not even breaking 100k FW, dunno why some people would think HW needs to do around 150k FW O.o

Well here's hoping it does at least 60k, but i think 40k+ is safe, and i think legs will be decent. The West will embrace this game alit better than the jaanese

tbone51 said:

Well its not out of the blast zone yet, but i have a feeling we are looking into HW on COMG Prematurely. 

1. Though not the best "Excuse" at least it has charted for a WiiU Title (Games like LoZ WW HD did not on COMG).

2. The Popular SKU isnt here. Though it might not matter much, it could be a huge factor.

3. Digitally its much cheaper well at least by 1k Yen :P

Also for the longest I said expect 40k-60k FW, it doesn't matter if its a Musao game (they do wat? 200k-300k FW normally?), I gave the example of SM3DW not even breaking 100k FW, dunno why some people would think HW needs to do around 150k FW O.o

Well here's hoping it does at least 60k, but i think 40k+ is safe, and i think legs will be decent. The West will embrace this game alit better than the jaanese

I don't think it's going to bomb, but I still think it's going to underperform.  We keep seeing so many excuses for why it didn't show up, and they all hold some weight, but 17 points for the only charting SKU less than 2 weeks before launch is pretty poor.

And the reason why is simply the type of game it is.  Using SM3DW is a terrible example.  Mario platformers always have really long legs.  Heck, Nintendo platformers all have really long legs.

Musou games do not have legs.  Zelda games do not have legs.  Musou game x Zelda game = ???

It needs to have a strong first week because it will fade quickly.

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:

I don't think it's going to bomb, but I still think it's going to underperform.  We keep seeing so many excuses for why it didn't show up, and they all hold some weight, but 17 points for the only charting SKU less than 2 weeks before launch is pretty poor.

And the reason why is simply the type of game it is.  Using SM3DW is a terrible example.  Mario platformers always have really long legs.  Heck, Nintendo platformers all have really long legs.

Musou games do not have legs.  Zelda games do not have legs.  Musou game x Zelda game = ???

It needs to have a strong first week because it will fade quickly.

Yes i can agree with Underperform. I think realistically the developers would want a 100k+ opening. One thing i dont get is some people misinterpret the 1mil WW sales is not expectations :-/ 

Anywayz, i dont think judging this game on COMG pre orders is the best thing to do. We'll see soon. And cant count it out if it does only get 20-25points on final day (Ex: Yoshi New Island= 28points but 59k+ opening).

Lastly i dont think we should just that this game wont have legs cuz its a Musou game and LoZ games do have legs (comparing it to Mario legs isnt fair cuz those are God like legs :p

This gen LoZ Games (3DS-WiiU)

Wind Waker HD:  FW 30k ⇒ 104k Lifetime

OoT 3D:    FW 166k ⇒ 569k Lifetime

A Link Between Worlds:  224k ⇒ 410k Lifetime (Hasnt been out for a year yet and has high digital)

Last Gen LoZ Games (Wii-DS)

Phatom Hour Glass:  304k ⇒ 951k

Spirit Tracks:  306k ⇒ 740k

Twilight Princess:  146k ⇒ 596k

Skyward Sword: 198k ⇒ 365k



Expected. Take from that what you will


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network

hyrule warriors got a point at least direct should help tomorrow :)


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

  1. [3DS] Monster Watch 2 original - 125pt
  2. [3DS] Monster Watch 2 head family - 121pt
  3. [3DS] NEW Yoshi Island - 40pt
  4. [3DS] Sonipuro - 30pt
  5. [WiiU] Mario Kart 8 - 25PT
  6. [3DS] The Adventure of space-time and the master Don Taiko - 21pt
  7. [Vita] Sword Art Online - Hollow fragment - (Limited Edition) - 15Pt
  8. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto 5 (Bargain Edition) - 14pt
  9. [3DS] ! Happiness charge Precure Kawarun ☆ collection- 13pt
  10. [Vita] Freedom Wars - 12pt
  12. [PS3] Renkinjutsushi sea of Atelier twilight of Shary (Limited Edition) - 11pt
  13. [3DS] Yokai Watch - 11pt
  14. [3DS] selfish fashion GIRLS MODE Tokimeki UP declaration greedy! - 10pt
  15. [3DS] Gundam Tri Age SP - 10pt
  16. [WiiU] Game & Wario - 8pt
  17. [Vita] Yuke over the corpse of my 2 (Limited Edition) - 8pt
  18. [3DS] Pokemon Art Academy - 8pt
  19. [PS3] Watch Dogs - 7pt
  20. [Vita] Persona 4 The Golden - 6pt

Kresnik said:
  1. [3DS] Monster Watch 2 original - 125pt
  2. [3DS] Monster Watch 2 head family - 121pt
  3. [3DS] NEW Yoshi Island - 40pt
  4. [3DS] Sonipuro - 30pt
  5. [WiiU] Mario Kart 8 - 25PT
  6. [3DS] The Adventure of space-time and the master Don Taiko - 21pt
  7. [Vita] Sword Art Online - Hollow fragment - (Limited Edition) - 15Pt
  8. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto 5 (Bargain Edition) - 14pt
  9. [3DS] ! Happiness charge Precure Kawarun ☆ collection- 13pt
  10. [Vita] Freedom Wars - 12pt
  12. [PS3] Renkinjutsushi sea of Atelier twilight of Shary (Limited Edition) - 11pt
  13. [3DS] Yokai Watch - 11pt
  14. [3DS] selfish fashion GIRLS MODE Tokimeki UP declaration greedy! - 10pt
  15. [3DS] Gundam Tri Age SP - 10pt
  16. [WiiU] Game & Wario - 8pt
  17. [Vita] Yuke over the corpse of my 2 (Limited Edition) - 8pt
  18. [3DS] Pokemon Art Academy - 8pt
  19. [PS3] Watch Dogs - 7pt
  20. [Vita] Persona 4 The Golden - 6pt

what i find surprising is that game and wario is in the top ten

(thought that game died)


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

Pretty random bumps I spot.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

Dayum! YW2 beasting and great hold for Yoshi and MK8 is up from last week! :)

Gooo MH4G! Hope nobody expects this to do close to the original O.o

SSB!!!!!! Lets go! Cant wait for this game to really Beast!