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tbone51 said:

??? Yes 200k+ would have been ok, that was my point. I never said it was impossible for MK8 to do 300k+ (my prediction for weeks was 240k), it was the thing you kinda constantly do with many games. Its fine to do a prediction but making a fuss if it doesn't do as much as you want isnt right especially if a company itself doesn't expect as high. MK8 isnt a big example, there were many others. Like OR/AS

I don't make a fuss about it, you just get annoyed with my predictions because I actually expect something out of a game. Lowering my expectations way down so something can appear fine to me doesn't work. You're just kidding yourself at that point.

Also, you really need to stop with "company itself doesn't expect ___", you don't know that. You even admitted to not knowing that, which makes sense because no one does. It's a prediction for a reason, it's not fact. Stop making a fuss over my predictions. 

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This pretty much confirms what I've always suspected. A lot of people in this thread purposely set the bar high while not expecting much from their game, so that if their game underperforms they aren't as disappointed but if it meets their expectations they're ecstatic. Others set the bar low so because to them, if it underperforms, they won't be disappointed that way because it met their expectations, but if it exceeds them, they'll be happy, and if it blows them away, they'll be ecstatic. Unfortunately, the two sides bicker with each other constantly because one thinks the other is annoyingly pessimistic and the other thinks the other side is annoyingly optimistic.

NintendoPie said:
tbone51 said:

I don't make a fuss about it, you just get annoyed with my predictions because I actually expect something out of a game. Lowering my expectations way down so something can appear fine to me doesn't work. You're just kidding yourself at that point.

Also, you really need to stop with "company itself doesn't expect ___", you don't know that. You even admitted to not knowing that, which makes sense because no one does. It's a prediction for a reason, it's not fact. Stop making a fuss over my predictions. 

No you misunderstood again, you can predict whatever you want, there are many people who do cray predictions, imo your not one of them. Im talking about something different. Just use your latest example of OR/AS in this case.

You predict 11mil-12mil, I think 8mil-9mil. Am I Annoyed about your prediction? Of course not. But Its this....

"If It Sells Less than 11mil lifetime its a disgrace/very disappointing sales".  You expect a game that didnt sell as much as the other 2 while factoring all the numbers combined to be bad :-/

Im pretty sure if FF had a remake in 4 years of lets say FFXII and sold 1mil WW and say its disappointing cuz FFX sold over 2mil, i be taking alot of heat from others. Why? Look at the difference between both and you see why... :0

HylianSwordsman said:
This pretty much confirms what I've always suspected. A lot of people in this thread purposely set the bar high while not expecting much from their game, so that if their game underperforms they aren't as disappointed but if it meets their expectations they're ecstatic. Others set the bar low so because to them, if it underperforms, they won't be disappointed that way because it met their expectations, but if it exceeds them, they'll be happy, and if it blows them away, they'll be ecstatic. Unfortunately, the two sides bicker with each other constantly because one thinks the other is annoyingly pessimistic and the other thinks the other side is annoyingly optimistic.

This has been another session with dr. Link.

Clyde32 said:

This has been another session with dr. Link.

I'm more qualified than Dr. Mario :P

Poke fun if you will, but I just wish people would stop antagonizing one another over each other's sales expectations.

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HylianSwordsman said:

If you count western sales then Tales of Symphonia for the gamecube is without a doubt the best selling tales game worldwide, I believe it sold a million copies in the west, the only tales game that can challenge that number is tales of xillia

Well damn! That's awesome! My favorite Tales game overall, so I'm glad it did well. How does Xillia compare? I never got around to that one.

Not scrolling through pages, but Symphonia didn't sell a million copies in the West. It didn't even ship a million worldwide on the Cube. Was just short. If you combine the PS2 version, it becomes the best selling in the series.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
HylianSwordsman said:

If you count western sales then Tales of Symphonia for the gamecube is without a doubt the best selling tales game worldwide, I believe it sold a million copies in the west, the only tales game that can challenge that number is tales of xillia

Well damn! That's awesome! My favorite Tales game overall, so I'm glad it did well. How does Xillia compare? I never got around to that one.

Not scrolling through pages, but Symphonia didn't sell a million copies in the West. It didn't even ship a million worldwide on the Cube. Was just short. If you combine the PS2 version, it becomes the best selling in the series.

Are you a big tales of fan? If so how does the others stack up to Tales of Symphonia? Im thinking of gettingthat new Tales of World game, hope they localize it

Any predction for MK8 below 250k was preposterous. However, 3D Mario was doing 300k+ consistently FW on the Wii and 3DS in Japan and yet barely managed 100k first week on the Wii U, so I understand people's reservations. But MK is on a different level right now. Definitely the game the Wii U desperately needed and it's showing us why. I feel it'll get 350k FW

kopstudent89 said:
Any predction for MK8 below 250k was preposterous. However, 3D Mario was doing 300k+ consistently FW on the Wii and 3DS in Japan and yet barely managed 100k first week on the Wii U, so I understand people's reservations. But MK is on a different level right now. Definitely the game the Wii U desperately needed and it's showing us why. I feel it'll get 350k FW

Again. Anybody can have his own prediction, for example I was predicting 300k FW. But since that blog said the game could sell close to 400k on friday, any prediction sub 300k became a nonsense. I repeat, that blog use as a source Media Create. He has acces to the data of first day sales and sellthrough, so he said the game could sell 400k based on this. It's not a random prediction.

I'm not saying this for you, what i mean is I DONT understand people's reservation.

Media Create Annual Archive (Spanish version)

tbone51 said:
outlawauron said:

Not scrolling through pages, but Symphonia didn't sell a million copies in the West. It didn't even ship a million worldwide on the Cube. Was just short. If you combine the PS2 version, it becomes the best selling in the series.

Are you a big tales of fan? If so how does the others stack up to Tales of Symphonia? Im thinking of gettingthat new Tales of World game, hope they localize it

I'm a pretty big fan of the series. I'm not a big fan of Symphonia, but I respect that it's the foundation for the 3D Tales games. It's probably my 2nd least favorite out of the 8 or 9 Tales games I've played (with Symphonia 2 being far away the worst). As far Tales of the World, I wouldn't want to play it because it'll likely be awful (spinoffs are rarely good in this series) and don't count on it being localized.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.