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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA taking too much heat for not supporting Nintendo?

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Mr Khan said:

This is about the worst company in the industry and their idea that they can sink one of the big three, the fanboys who defend it to further their anti-Nintendo agenda, and a few respectable posters who have gotten caught in the crossfire.

I apologize if I have been over-harsh (especially to, again, Carl and Kresnik). I've been angry lately for some reason that i cannot gather (part of me suspects hormones, as my life is generally going pretty well, but this is rather tangental) and i've used VGChartz and this whole debacle to vent this mystery-rage.

These are the facts of the matter. Anything else is either misunderstanding or FUD.

That bolded line... it makes me very upset too. It's like, can they really have the stomach? As I've said before, I think there's some kind of foul play behind the scenes which involves MS and Sony.

I think it's cool (and insightful) that you tell us about this mysterious phase of anger. It will be interesting to see how long it takes to play out.

JayWood2010 said:
osed125 said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

And no that is very doubtful when these games triple the sales.

No, profit > sales.

 Average sales for HD twins is around 4m on X360/PS3.  Both above 2m  And these games dont cost a lot to make.

on the Wii 600k.  Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

Let's see this scenario. A 360 and PS3 game cost on average $20 million, you sell aprox 1 million copies at $60, making a revenue of $27 million and profit of $7 million. Based on this, the publisher recovers $27 per game.


You may want to search development on the specific titles of each game.  20m is pretty much AAA games.  Madden games as ive said before are not that expensive beyond licensing.

Actually $20 million is consider cheap nowadays. You have games like The Old Republic which costed $200 million and Rockstars games which are usually more than $100 million. You obviously didn't clicked the links because you have a lot of examples of various tittles and genres.

But anyway, doesn't matter how much Madden or FIFA dev cost are, you still have to pay for those licenses, and that money needs to be recover from the sales of the game. In the end Madden and FIFA games might be more expensive than The Old Republic. Or you could use CoD as an example, each year the game only sees minor upgrades and that still cost betwwen $40 and $50 million to make. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

JayWood2010 said:

Are you not listening at all or are you just simply ignoring me?  

Tell me the numbers for the WiiU with a low install base and then tell me why it is worth it?  You are only answering half of what I've said.

While yes the Wii has made some money (100m consoles)  the WiiU is not making them any at the moment (3m consoles)

I'm truly sorry you suffer from alzheimer's:

JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Big difference when EA has been very successful on the other two platforms and struggles on Nintendo's.  But hey, thanks for ignoring all of my comments and OP :)

LOL, you are hilarious. You're comparing two ESTABLISHED consoles with 75+ m units sold against a console that just came out with barely any units sold comparatively, and you expect things to be the same.

Good job.

Actually I compared two 75m userbase consoles with a console that has a userbase of 100m XD Maybe you missed that lol

And yeah good job for missing that ;)

User was banned for this post - Kantor

happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Are you not listening at all or are you just simply ignoring me?  

Tell me the numbers for the WiiU with a low install base and then tell me why it is worth it?  You are only answering half of what I've said.

While yes the Wii has made some money (100m consoles)  the WiiU is not making them any at the moment (3m consoles)

I'm truly sorry you suffer from alzheimer's:

So instead of answering me you attack me :)


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JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.

Well I agree with you there, I am sure Nintendo and EA both had their reasons for the break up lol that contribted to all this.

But I also did not expect the bad  EA ports to sell well. NFS MW does deserve better but I think it suffering risdual effect from the other games, which  as I previously said is sad cause the game is really that good.

Come september-november I think is where people on here will have valid reasons to compain. If watch dogs (assuming it reviews well, based on what we seen so far) doesn't sell well then for the userbase it has at the time I will be dissapointed, considering Ubisoft is trying real hard, even offering the same limited editions that the other consoles have, unlike their launch games.

Because as I said a Wii owner who also got a PS360 to fill that 3rd party void and now owns a Wii U, has no excuse not to buy the game on Wii U.

Same for Wii U only owners.



osed125 said:

 You obviously didn't clicked the links because you have a lot of examples of various tittles and genres.


I clicked on them.  Those are all big budget games.  Im saying you would need to look at individual games to figure out how much money each one makes.  

In the end a business will do what is good for them and if they can afford a big budget and they know they will make there money back they will do it.  We also know that they made money off of the wii or else they wouldnt be publishing on the wii.  The same can not be said for the WiiU at the moment.


Cobretti2 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.

. NFS MW does deserve better but I think it suffering risdual effect from the other games, which  as I previously said is sad cause the game is really that good.


Mass consumers doesnt work that way.  Only the few who visit forums are like that which are in the minority.  

And yeah we will see about games like watch dogs.  


osed125 said:
JayWood2010 said:
osed125 said:

Of course Nintendo fans will favorite Nintendo games over third party games, they are called fans for a reason. The same thing applies to Sony and MS fans. And like before you are generalizing.


Actually 3rd party games are at the top of MSFT/Sony's most sold games by a pretty good margin.

360, PS3 or Wii  owner =/= MS, Sony or Nintendo fan

A MS fan will favorite a Halo game over a CoD game, the average 360 owner won't

A Sony fan will favorite a God of War game over a FIFA game, the average PS3 owner won't

A Nintendo fan will favorite a Zelda game over a Just Dance game, the average Wii owner won't


JayWood2010 said:
osed125 said:

 You obviously didn't clicked the links because you have a lot of examples of various tittles and genres.


I clicked on them.  Those are all big budget games.  Im saying you would need to look at individual games to figure out how much money each one makes.  

In the end a business will do what is good for them and if they can afford a big budget and they know they will make there money back they will do it.  We also know that they made money off of the wii or else they wouldnt be publishing on the wii.  The same can not be said for the WiiU at the moment.

And we are talking about big budget games here. 

@bold Not true, check the link with "$5 million" on it. Dead Space 3, Kingdoms of Amalur, Max Payne 3, Homefront, L.A Noire were all failures because they expected too much out of them and didn't even made profit. They can take the big budget stuff, but that won't warranty they will recover the money. If you accumulate this failures you'll end up in bankruptcy (see THQ). Square Enix is also suffering from constant failures, you have Tomb Raider as a recent example. If EA didn't had Madden and FIFA they would probably be in the same situation as Square.

Nintendo and PC gamer