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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto interviewed - Galaxy sequel, new Zelda, Balance Board titles, more

Kyros said:

" the gaming industry and its future?"

In people who buy a Tennis Racket / Baseball Bat / Golf Club / Bowling Ball / Guitar / Drum / Karaoke Microphone for a Game console. And my ability to understand other people. This thing may be acceptable in Japan but I would suspect that people who use it in the rest of the world are mercilessly ridiculed by anyone who happens to see them using it . But we will see.


P.S. I forgot "Dance Mat".

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I want a new metroid side scroller. Nintendo better announce one and in about 2-3 years another 3d metroid. Yeah I knew there would be another galaxy. Didn't Nintendo announce a zelda like 2 years ago that isn't too new. They should give us the new Zelda games name. I absolutely loved TPs dark feel. It was similar to OoT and that is a good thing because OoT is my favorite 3d zelda.

Aww I thought he would say more about Zelda... =(

I wish they could bring back some magic in that game, like AlttP... I really liked to use the medallions! >_
Also, I found the many dongeons/bosses more difficult and developped than the 3D Zeldas so far...

So, I really wish they could take some of that game's features, mix it with TP's combat moves (maybe add even more) and make a fresh storyline.

Oh and also, it would be awesome if the towns and people in it as lively as Clock Town. ^^

NintendoTogepi said:
Helios said:
Since we're talking Zelda, I found Twilight Princess to a massive step up from OoT in virtually every aspect, yet the game clearly suffered from a fear of straying from the norm and the fact that it failed to live up to its own lofty promises. Twilight Princess made important progress, but it was still a disappointment to me.

Phantom Hourglass, on the other hand, was step in the right direction and the more worthy title, in my opinion. Not everything in that game was perfect (far from, in fact), but if Nintendo could incorporate its strengths (plot-relevancy, item usage, and main character involvement) into the next console Zelda, it could prove to be one of the greatest games ever.

PH better? Ugh. PH is one of the weakest games in the series I think.

The dungeons are extremely repetive, they're pretty much all the same with the exception of one or two, the story is pretty much the worst one that any Zelda title has gotten, the music is even worse then TP's and the game completely lacks athmosphere and gets rid of any desire to explore that the player may have.

I thought it was terrible.


Yes, yes, that's what I meant by "far from perfect." It's still a better game, with better direction, than Twilight Princess. As for the plot, yes, it is fairly simple, but everything in it matters, and that's good.

Everything else, I agree with.

Whatever the next Zelda is, it needs to be something different. Not so different as to alienate the fans, but different enough that it's not just OOT 2.0. Mix up the gameplay and the story a bit. Get to play as Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Gannon fighting against the gods

You just went there.

I don't really get the "hate" for TP. IMO the game was very good. Of course, it was not the best zelda game ever (OoT still holds the crown) but the game added some things that previous installments lacked : a bigger world, more story etc. Yes, i liked the story very much. Although i wish it were even more "mature" and without some kiddy like romance. Nintendo should drop the japanese character acting in the series, it seems just so not in place.

I wish their were a zelda game where we have a bit of a LoTR motives (armies, wars, some demons) with revamped combat situations. I don't know about you guys but i think Nintendo should get rid of the "destroy the boss with the one treasure you just oh so accidentally found in the dungeon treasurey". More open-end play.

And yeas, a modern time based Zelda game would be very interesting imo.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




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Shissy said:
I wonder if they'd do a 1080 snowboarding game using the balance board :O.

Nooo more Mario and Zelda please :( lol.. give it a few years.

 If the mario and zelda games are comin too fast for you, why don't you just.. not... buy... them?  That way, the rest of us at least have the option :)