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I don't really get the "hate" for TP. IMO the game was very good. Of course, it was not the best zelda game ever (OoT still holds the crown) but the game added some things that previous installments lacked : a bigger world, more story etc. Yes, i liked the story very much. Although i wish it were even more "mature" and without some kiddy like romance. Nintendo should drop the japanese character acting in the series, it seems just so not in place.

I wish their were a zelda game where we have a bit of a LoTR motives (armies, wars, some demons) with revamped combat situations. I don't know about you guys but i think Nintendo should get rid of the "destroy the boss with the one treasure you just oh so accidentally found in the dungeon treasurey". More open-end play.

And yeas, a modern time based Zelda game would be very interesting imo.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


