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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - the xbox 360 successor will be.....

M$ working on their base more their succes now
we can see this on japan ..
and last gen. on NA

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rocketpig said:
Username2324 said:
godf said:
I wouldn't be surprised by a 5 year life cycle.

I think if the PS3 overtakes the 360, it's replacement will be moved up; if the 360 stays ahead, they'd want to leave this generation a while longer to run.

It could be a real pain for sony if just as they finally get the PS3 profitable, microsoft then releases a significantly more powerful console. Screwing over sony is as big a motivation for microsoft as making a profit is.

They don't want to risk a dominant playstation taking the PC's place for domestic multimedia purposes.

At the moment, I don't think MS could really produce a console more powerful than the PS3, not unless they want to put themselves exactly where sony did, with a huge price tag. And to produce a console more powerful they'd probably have to leave the traditional console CPU, and explore uncharted waters like Sony did, just pissing off developers, who would then begin to focus on the PS3.

Right now they couldn't but in 2010, MS could build a $300 console (and not lose much on it) that would absolutely annihilate the PS3's capabilities.

1GB RAM, 512/1GB GPU @ 800-1000mhz, 4/8 core processor @ 4ghz, etc. etc.

I want one of those! :D

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Soriku said:
fagarcia75 said:
MS will go the way of Sega and start making games for Wii and PS3.

Runs from assults and attacks!!!!

MS would never make games for Sony.

Wii exclusive is the way to go ;)

But what I really want to see is how strong it is and if in Japan they have a pretty good fanbase this time around due to the 360.

If MS keeps getting Japanese-friendly titles on the 360, it will probably boost their chances next generation, but I still worry about how strong the nationalism is in Japan when it involves consumer electronics.  They're really reluctant to buy anything not Made-In-Japan.