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Forums - NSFW Discussion - MOV: Is Sex really worth it? Or are hormones and other factors controlling you?

We are programmed to have and want a lot of sex, know...children. Purpose of evolution is to multiply yourself as much as possible. Like Soleron already said, the feeling after is a reward just after using drugs.

There are also other things we enjoy like hobbies (painting, gaming, skating etc). And I think those are necessary to attract other individuals of the opposite sex because of the many variations in our genomes. Eventually sex is the most important.

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There's a reason that males can only have one orgasm. If we had multiple ones we would never leave the bathroom in our teens.

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spurgeonryan said:

Let's be honest. Unless you are on a pill that I think is called the "Ropes", males only have one quick orgasm. What is the point? Why does our chemistry control, or better yet, why do we allow our body to control us like this? For no more than a few seconds of gratification and the feel of another human close to you? Get a message.

But people watch porn and do other strange things just to have this 3 seconds of gratification. What is the point? Besides creating other humans with another person. There are plenty of other things in life that feel good as well, and is a lot easier than having an orgazm.

Is it really that satisfying to you that you have to have it? I think that many could probably live without it if Sex was not everywhere around us. One or two times and done. Maybe when you are younger it interest you much more, but besides the curiosity factor, doesn't it get old to you>?

The reason why men are men is because of evolution.  The shape of the human penis is designed as such as to extract sperm out of the vagina.  Subsequently, to ensure fertilization of the ovum, men only have a single orgasm and become flacid.  In addition, unlike women, the male orgasm is tied to a specific event, ejactulation.  If men were to have multiple orgasms, then they would have difficulty with copulating with multiple partners and ensuring the continuation of the species. 

So, to reiterate, males have a single orgams for evolutionary reasons.  The two-fold purpose of it is to ensure insemination, by detering prolonged sex and allowing a male the opportunity to copulate with more than one partner.  Evolution is also the reason why males are able to maintain their senses while having sex, where as women get lost in the moment.  Men are capable of being more alert due to fact that they needed to ensure there were no threats approaching while copulation occurred. 

The art of an orgasm is how to prolong it until you can't hold back anymore.  Then, yes it's worth it.  Also men can have multiple orgasms through a prostate orgasm.  Through normal penile stimulation you aren't limited to one run, however you are typically required a little down time.  It varies based on the man, his physiology, and heightened sexaul interest.  However, some men can immediately get back to business while typically after the first orgasm most men require about five minutes before they can obtain a full erection. 

Hence why I recommend, she deliver a blow job to ejactulation, then you go down on her until you regain your erection.  Then depending on you, you may last anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes giving you ample time to try new positions as well as bring her to orgasm. 

Only a virgin or girlie men wouldn't think sex is special lol, as for manly man like myself, sex is awesome

Is Sex really worth it?

Definitely yes

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ironmanDX said:
Tagging for future lolz.

Sex is worth every pelvis smashing thrust.

Well said.

I feel bad for people that don't get to have sex.  It's awesome.

It's all about the game.

Simple: It's not all about the orgasm.

I enjoy the whole experience of a woman's company. Whatever cost or effort it is that I put in, it's worth it. One of my favorite aspects of life, right up there with a coastal drive, good music, a beer(s) with friends, Christmas with family, hot tea on an early autumn day, a game of hockey or the smell of the sea air on the beach. Beautiful things, and a good woman compliments most of them.

pezus said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
Only a virgin or girlie men wouldn't think sex is special lol, as for manly man like myself, sex is awesome

What's a girlie man?

Guys who are beta men

There are ways to extend the time during intercourse, so it won't be a short run. I tend to do specific exercises that target the area. Those exercises often extend the time, and then there are foods that promote 'vigor', so even after ejaculating one can continue. With that said, yes, it is definitely worth it.

Personally, as long as I'm not in the rare end of things I won't hit that point. I blame it on porn since those scenes were often the most interesting for me.

To be honest, I prefer foreplay most times. It's a lot more fun I think. I sometimes do it for 40 minutes to an hour with the person, and that just makes intercourse a lot better after.


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