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Forums - Website Topics - Lost Pasword password doesnt work.

I just had this same problem. I also had the problem last month. I tried the lost password thing and for some reason it sent me 2 e-mails, the most recent one worked. Thank god! I thought I would be able to post ever again, or at least for 2 days like last time.

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still never heard anything on this. ioi?


I had this problem and it turned out that the solution was:

1- Use the "lost password" button
2- Try the password which got sent to your email (it's different every time)
3- Try to login. If the password didn't work, go back to step 1

After a few repetitions, the received password finally worked, and I was able to use my account again. I guess you should contact ioi first though, maybe he can solve your problem better.


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Yeah I tried over and over. Got sick of trying. Asked about it. Gave my old account ID. Emailed ioi.

Never got a real response.

Still waiting.

What happens to this account if my old one starts working? Can he delete it? And it's a little ridiculous that this problem even exists.


Yeah, ioi ill not do anything. Heck, I didn't even lose my password. I was just logged out and could never log back in again with my password or a new one...


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