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Forums - Sony Discussion - Vita Releases for 2013 - 2014 (SS Delta, Mind=0, Borderlands 2 Released)

Great List, but some announced indie games are missing:
Luftrausers, Metrico, Quell Memento, Stealth Inc. (Stealth Bastard), TxK (Tempest), Doodle Godand, Starlight Inception and (probably) Fez.

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huiii said:
Ljink96 said:
What? There's a Y's game coming out for PSV!? That's a reason I'll buy one.

You have some good taste. XSEED announced it for september 25th  in the US iirc.

Wow, sooner than I expected then. I'm a huge Y's fan and it happened just recently after playing Y's I&II on Virtual console. Played all of them, including both all the versions of Y's 4. The only one I haven't played is Y's 5 which hasn't been translated yet. Still at 80% completion though. I just looked up a video for the game and it looks awesome. Would have never even thought of buying a vita if this didn't show up.

Id like to get a Vita but right now ive got too many games in my PS3 backlog and upcoming 3DS games to play. Also ive got Wii U in my sights if I find a good deal/bundle this holiday. I probably wont get Vita til its $150 and by then It should have an enormous library of games.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Conina said:

Great List, but some announced indie games are missing:
Luftrausers, Metrico, Quell Memento, Stealth Inc. (Stealth Bastard), TxK (Tempest), Doodle Godand, Starlight Inception and (probably) Fez.






Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

sepoer said:
Just got my Vita earlier this week. Im more Ninty fans, but i really want to playing soul sacrifice and killzone merc.
I got excited after read ur topic. I already download soul sac demo, uncharted, resistance. In my opinion Vita alone is better than other handheld device actually this is the best (outside the games library). So yes... i bought vita without any games, and still waiting for soul sacrifice & killzone. I really hope in this e3 sony will giving us some great software announcement.

Congrats on getting a really should get some games for it tho. If you have PS+ you can get a few for free. I think Uncharted GA and Gravity Rush are still up there, along with Disgaea 3.

Unit 13 is a great single player 3rd Person shooter, actually brought forth a lot of really cool ideas. Too bad it was heavily overlooked. 




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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Added Panopticon to Rumor list. I am 70% sure it will be revealed as a Vita or PS3/4/Vita title. Trying to remember what else has been revealed so I can add it in.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

I read somewhere that a very reliable source said that Panopticon was a Vita exclusive, and they were correct on a lot of their rumors in the past. I wish I could find it so I could link it to you guys. Im happy my Vita is starting to get some software love recently!


Panopticum has a really good graphics, dunno that Vita can hold it. Also I dont think its a PS4 title. I bet PS3/Vita ( both or one of them )

I hope Panopticon is a vita exclusive. It needs all the exclusives it can get to increase sales. There's a small chance of it being a vita exclusive but they never said what platform it would be on it so it can still be vita,ps4 or ps3.

Playstationfan12 said:
I hope Panopticon is a vita exclusive. It needs all the exclusives it can get to increase sales. There's a small chance of it being a vita exclusive but they never said what platform it would be on it so it can still be vita,ps4 or ps3.

Just asking - it will change anything if Panopticon will be a Vita exclusive, not PS3/PS4/Vita ?  If yes, why ? I dont really understand now what you mean. Panopticon looks like a Monster Hunter/JRPG clone so yes, it can be a Vita exclusive, but Vita is still really small market. I think PS3/Vita is the best option for Sony and for gamers.