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Forums - Sony Discussion - Vita Releases for 2013 - 2014 (SS Delta, Mind=0, Borderlands 2 Released)

Sweet. Didn't realize Toukiden was actually confirmed for NA this year already. Nice. There is going to be so much to choose from with Vita. If we could just get the damn stores to actually display what is/will be available. As well as update their systems so it would actually say there are more than 4 games coming out for Vita by the end of the year :P




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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V-r0cK said:
forevercloud3000 said:
V-r0cK said:
The list looks pretty good tho there's still nothing that makes me really need to get one asap or dying for yet.

1. What kind of games are you into?

2.What Specific series or type of game would mae you jump in?

3.Did you ever own a PSP?

I'm into everything.  I have a PSP and PSP Go (best console ever imo) and I love their games.  I loved Crisis Core:FFVII and will instantly jump into the Vita if they actually release FF Type-0.  I'd jump in just for Square games (mainly FF and KH series) yet sadly they haven't been doing their part.  I got a PS3 just for FF Versus XIII, but I guess i'll be getting a PS4 for that instead :P

Gotta broaden your horizons man. SE is deteriating these days and don't know what to do with their good franchises. There are more than enough great JRPGs to fill the void even if Type-0 never comes tho(odds are it still will eventually).

  • Persona 4 Golden is the highest rated JRPG in the last decade. Acclaimed by many and is an experience everyone should have. The game is just amazing and to be honest, the Persona series has satiated my JRPG fix so far this past gen as opposed to any FF game.
  • Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Flash is part of a really good up and coming series. The Trails in the Sky title they released for PSP was really good. This new one will be stepping up the bar in graphics and gameplay so watch this one.
  • There are a host of JRPG action style games like Ragnarok Odyssey, Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden to also keep an eye on. I'm not super into Monster Hunter style games but these have stronger RPG leveling elements and or levels.
  • Valhalla Knights 3
  • Ys Celesta is also a highly rated Action JRPG series.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Dahum said:
that is an actually impressive list of games that's coming in 2013/2014 for the Vita..

ok i have a Vita and i played Gravity Rush and platinum'd the game since i loved it very much. i'm also playing Uncharted: Golden abyss and Assassin's Creed 3: liberation at the moment and i'm planning on getting Killzone: mercenary,Tearaway, Batman origins: Blackgate and oddworld: stranger's wrath.. still i want ur help if possible to guide me into some beautiful games that are already released on the Vita that blend good story with unique gameplay just like Gravity Rush. no RPG for me except some elements.. if so then i have no problem with that :)

Unit 13 gets forgotten a lot as it was a close to launch title, but its actually pretty good Third Person Shooter. No story or filler, just fun missions to play. THe game has different Class Characters that are more efficient for different types of missions which is pretty cool.

Soul Sacrifice has an amazingly dark story(very Demon's Souls). It is RPG-like but doesn't become confined by any one element. Its a Grindy type game tho, but fun. You can put in 100s of hours into this like quite a few of us have on this board. There is an official thread for this as well.

Not sure as I have not played them yet but keep an eye on Muramasa,Dragon's Crown coming in the next month. Could be really good.


Gravity Rush was such an amazing experience for me. I just wish it wasn't so short lived. It needs a sequel for sure, also a bundled discount on the DLC. I am praying Gravity Rush 2 gets announced at E3 but maybe its too soon :/.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

For anyone wondering. There are 25 Titles on this list slated for Retail. 25!!!! Yet stores can't be bothered for more than 2 small shelfs of the system :/

I seriously think the Vita technically has more games out/coming for it than 3DS at this point in just over all quantity.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Bristow9091 said:

So many games coming out that I want to buy, sadly though, the ones I want won't be releasing in EU, such as Ys Celceta, I REALLY want to play it, since I've been playing Ys Origins and Felghana and they're amazing!

Lol just noticed I've already posted here... oh well, I REALLY want to play it! Along with Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, I hope it comes to the EU, same as the original did, but I want to see a retail release, since DD sucks with such small memory cards costing so much!

Is the Vita region locked? Cuz if not you could just import.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network


GTA on Vita would be nice.

forevercloud3000 said:
Dahum said:
that is an actually impressive list of games that's coming in 2013/2014 for the Vita..

ok i have a Vita and i played Gravity Rush and platinum'd the game since i loved it very much. i'm also playing Uncharted: Golden abyss and Assassin's Creed 3: liberation at the moment and i'm planning on getting Killzone: mercenary,Tearaway, Batman origins: Blackgate and oddworld: stranger's wrath.. still i want ur help if possible to guide me into some beautiful games that are already released on the Vita that blend good story with unique gameplay just like Gravity Rush. no RPG for me except some elements.. if so then i have no problem with that :)

Unit 13 gets forgotten a lot as it was a close to launch title, but its actually pretty good Third Person Shooter. No story or filler, just fun missions to play. THe game has different Class Characters that are more efficient for different types of missions which is pretty cool.

Soul Sacrifice has an amazingly dark story(very Demon's Souls). It is RPG-like but doesn't become confined by any one element. Its a Grindy type game tho, but fun. You can put in 100s of hours into this like quite a few of us have on this board. There is an official thread for this as well.

Not sure as I have not played them yet but keep an eye on Muramasa,Dragon's Crown coming in the next month. Could be really good.


Gravity Rush was such an amazing experience for me. I just wish it wasn't so short lived. It needs a sequel for sure, also a bundled discount on the DLC. I am praying Gravity Rush 2 gets announced at E3 but maybe its too soon :/.

thx a lot for ur recommendations and i too hope for a gravity rush sequal as well and i'm planning on buying the DLC's very soon :)

forevercloud3000 said:
V-r0cK said:
forevercloud3000 said:
V-r0cK said:
The list looks pretty good tho there's still nothing that makes me really need to get one asap or dying for yet.

1. What kind of games are you into?

2.What Specific series or type of game would mae you jump in?

3.Did you ever own a PSP?

I'm into everything.  I have a PSP and PSP Go (best console ever imo) and I love their games.  I loved Crisis Core:FFVII and will instantly jump into the Vita if they actually release FF Type-0.  I'd jump in just for Square games (mainly FF and KH series) yet sadly they haven't been doing their part.  I got a PS3 just for FF Versus XIII, but I guess i'll be getting a PS4 for that instead :P

Gotta broaden your horizons man. SE is deteriating these days and don't know what to do with their good franchises. There are more than enough great JRPGs to fill the void even if Type-0 never comes tho(odds are it still will eventually).


  • Persona 4 Golden is the highest rated JRPG in the last decade. Acclaimed by many and is an experience everyone should have. The game is just amazing and to be honest, the Persona series has satiated my JRPG fix so far this past gen as opposed to any FF game.
  • Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Flash is part of a really good up and coming series. The Trails in the Sky title they released for PSP was really good. This new one will be stepping up the bar in graphics and gameplay so watch this one.
  • There are a host of JRPG action style games like Ragnarok Odyssey, Soul Sacrifice, Toukiden to also keep an eye on. I'm not super into Monster Hunter style games but these have stronger RPG leveling elements and or levels.
  • Valhalla Knights 3
  • Ys Celesta is also a highly rated Action JRPG series.


Thanks for the info! Some of those games are on my radar and will probably pick them up. And yea Square's been doing pretty bad but have done better on the PSP than for the PS3.  Some of the games you've listed at the beginning of the thread that are also coming for PS3, i'll likely pick it up for that system instead.

How many would you say are system sellers?

Because that is the point, any handheld and console can get games. Its about games worth getting.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.