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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft Says Wii Owners Can 'Graduate' to Xbox 360

out of my IT office at work of 13 people - 5 own a Wii and 3 others own a PS2 and say they would buy a Wii some day but they haven't commited to this Gen yet.

Out of the 5 Wii owners 2 of us own a 360 and both play the Wii at least twice as much more than the 360 and there's one other this gen console owner who owns a PS3 and 360 but plays the PS3 more (one of the Wii owners won a 360 at the Xmas raffle and sold it straight away).

Basically - what I'm saying is none of us are kids and none of us see the 360 as an "upgrade". i only use it these days if I fancy a FPS session, never will offer me the diversity of games the Wii does.

But hey thats just a quick snapshop of my environment


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sounds like hes begging...

"i know the party is great over there but isn't get getting boring? Why don't you come chill at my party.....please.....(cries)" -Microsoft

PSN ID: Sol_Protege     Wii:154209933064989 

Fastrabbit09 said:
MikeB said:

> any data to backup that it is 'certainly most popular amongst younger kids'?

8-17 olds

"The Wii was on 32% of wish lists, the Sony PlayStation 3 on 19% and Microsoft Xbox 360 on 17%."

"As for game systems, Nintendo Wii was the most popular among kids ages 8-13, as well as all girls up to age 17, while Sony PlayStation 3 came out on top for boys ages 14-17."

Why does everyone here assume kids nowadays play a minor role within the gaming industry? Didn't you play video games as a kid?

so u got data to backup that it is popular amongst kids, not that it's mostly kids that want the wii...there is a difference

National survey (what people preferred to get for christmas 2007, US adults):

Top 10 For Men

  1. Flat screen High Definition TV 37%
  2. New Laptop Computer (Windows) 21%
  3. New Digital Camera 16%
  4. New Desktop Computer 15%
  5. GPS Navigation System for the car 11%
  6. Sony PS3 10%
  7. New Cell Phone 9%
  8. New Digital Video Camera 8%
  9. Xbox 360 8%
  10. Nintendo Wii 8%

Top 10 for Women

  1. Flat screen High Definition TV 33%
  2. New Laptop Computer 19%
  3. New Digital Camera 18%
  4. New Desktop Computer (Windows) 13%
  5. New Cell Phone 12%
  6. New Digital Video Camera 11%
  7. GPS Navigation System for the car 10%
  8. Nintendo Wii 9%
  9. Apple Laptop Computer 7%
  10. Tivo or another DVR 6%


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Thats the impression I got Phoenix_34, they tried renaming the core unit to the Arcade Pack or something, they tried a price cut and now they're trying this.

Fact is outside of US they aren't doing too well and with the PS3 big hits this year they'll be a lot of people buying PS3 (including me) at some point and they are beginning to look like the pace maker at the front of a race when they slow down and know they're gonna move down the pack.


Not quite sure what that National Survey is meant to prove MikeB - hows about showing us a National Survey of what people actually got.


Riot Of The Blood said:
Wow, someone didn't kiss Nintendo's ass, and Wii fanboys go crazy.

You know why that is, right? It's not just because we're Nintendo fanboys.


It's because Nintendo is kicking this everloving shit out of its competition in every market, console, portable, hardware, and software, and then the company Nintendo basically never says shit to any other company about how good its doing.


Then, this sorry bastard has the nerve to passive-agressively flame the Wii, because its doing better than his console(even though he claimes they aren't in direct competition).



The point is, he has no room to talk, when his console is doing so relatively poorly. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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The "non-gamers" that the Wii is targetting would likely find the Xbox 360 too complicated to opertate (much like very casual people with electronics found setting the clock on a VCR too complicated for example).

Ridiculous, stupid, and fanatical are the words I would use to describe the majority of posters in this thread. You are all going off on a rant without any justification. The comments aren't even vindictive. Microsoft isn't making a foolish or arrogant claim. Instead they are hoping casual gamers will graduate up to core gamers, or even hardcore gamers.

Yes they used the appropriate term. When you are learning how to ride a bike eventually you graduate from training wheels. The same way you might graduate from wiggle to a more massive controller. You graduate from playing merely casual games to more diverse games, and more complex games. This is very much how the gaming population has expanded over the years.

Even Nintendo is hoping that its own consumers graduate from the casual game compilations to more dynamic fair. Nintendo isn't stupid they know if their user base stagnates into one genre thats all developers will give them, and then gamers who need more variety or deeper experiences will need to graduate to another platform to get it, and its more likely that their owners will tire of the same tired old thing.

Seriously this kind of idiocy needs to stop. Not every opinion that a member of a corporation says does not need to be scrutinized, and it surely doesn't need to be spun into malicious propaganda. This comment wasn't even reprehensible. I agree with knocking of corporate executives making really stupid comments. This was not one of those times.

or they dont like FPS Legend11.


Time for Microsoft to get over themselves...

Predictions for 2009: (Right) (Wrong) (Partial)

Pokemon Gold/Silver DS Japan in September

NES colored Wii and SNES Classic Controler for Christmas

Super Role Bros for Christmas

FF Remakes announced; VII PS3 VIII 360 IX Wii

New Super Mario World November 2009

Dno said:
everyone say what you want about the ps3 yes its in last place now but it sold more consoles in its 1st year the 360 plus it was 200 dollars more. if the ps3 was 250 bucks i dont see the wii being as hot as it is. price drops and time will tell, ps3 will be at least in second if not 1st.

 Yes well, that would make sense wouldn't it?  I mean it's not like it cost ~3 times as much to manufacture. 

You do realize if it would have been priced the same way as the Wii the ps3's tech wouldn't have been anywhere near what it actually is right?  That bit of logic is easy for you to grasp right?  It's either that, or sony would have been bankrupted from the massive amount of money they would have lost at that price point.

If the ps3 launched at 250, it would have been like 2 ps2's duct taped together!  har har har.  Really though, it would be as powerful as the wii, and likely without anything to combat against the Wii's motion controls and casual appeal.  Without it's fantastic graphics it's likely that it wouldn't have been any better off than it is now. 

Then we move into the "just wait for the price drops!".  Since we all know that your console of choice is the only one that is capable of lowering it's price.

This song and dance is old. 

Smash Bros: 2363-5325-6342