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Ridiculous, stupid, and fanatical are the words I would use to describe the majority of posters in this thread. You are all going off on a rant without any justification. The comments aren't even vindictive. Microsoft isn't making a foolish or arrogant claim. Instead they are hoping casual gamers will graduate up to core gamers, or even hardcore gamers.

Yes they used the appropriate term. When you are learning how to ride a bike eventually you graduate from training wheels. The same way you might graduate from wiggle to a more massive controller. You graduate from playing merely casual games to more diverse games, and more complex games. This is very much how the gaming population has expanded over the years.

Even Nintendo is hoping that its own consumers graduate from the casual game compilations to more dynamic fair. Nintendo isn't stupid they know if their user base stagnates into one genre thats all developers will give them, and then gamers who need more variety or deeper experiences will need to graduate to another platform to get it, and its more likely that their owners will tire of the same tired old thing.

Seriously this kind of idiocy needs to stop. Not every opinion that a member of a corporation says does not need to be scrutinized, and it surely doesn't need to be spun into malicious propaganda. This comment wasn't even reprehensible. I agree with knocking of corporate executives making really stupid comments. This was not one of those times.