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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - If you were Robbie Bach...Xbox Japan Issue

People like to talk like you can buy a foreign company like that.
In pipe dreams perhaps that's true.

Anyway, they also have to learn to make reliable products, but given their track record, it will be hard.

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The first Xbox was really reliable (at least more so than the PS2), so whilst it may not be contributing to the 360's success I don't think you can generalise and state that they always make faulty consoles.

Indeed it may be the popular perception, but people forget quickly - the PS2 is worthy of many accolades but 'reliable' isn't a word I'd choose to describe it. That's why I have a hard time 'pigeon-holing' all their woes to an issue of failure rates.

I really think they should buy a team in Japan to strictly focus on Japanese gaming. Titles that have Japanese appeal and may or may not appear worldwide. Plus, I think a company like Toshiba or Samsung should rebadge the 360 and sell it under their corporate umbrella.

I think M$ should use Rare in Japan !
I forgot it .. yeah , they must tell Rara to develop Japanese games only !
they have a lot of companies that support them in USA
No problem to put Rare On Japan only

I think M$ should use Rare in Japan !
I forgot it .. yeah , they must tell Rara to develop Japanese games only !
they have a lot of companies that support them in USA
No problem to put Rare On Japan only

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I think M$ should use Rare in Japan !
I forgot it .. yeah , they must tell Rara to develop Japanese games only !
they have a lot of companies that support them in USA
No problem to put Rare On Japan only

I think M$ should use Rare in Japan !
I forgot it .. yeah , they must tell Rara to develop Japanese games only !
they have a lot of companies that support them in USA
No problem to put Rare On Japan only

Very simple.

Announce the next Xbox as a joint venture in Japan between MS and either Namco Bandai or Sega.

Sega, despite doing bad with the Genesis/Mega Drive, sold somewhere near 5m systems with the Dreamcast. I think they could do a much better job on marketing the system.

And then get Sega to start working on some serious titles for the X360 - Yakuza 3/4, Shining Force, and the like. As well as broker deals for a few mid-level exclusives from Square/Enix, Namco and Capcom. It's working now, and will work in the future.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

@Stickball: It definitely won't be Sega, as they've been kissing Nintendo's ASS as of late--Secret Rings, Mario and Sonic, Sonic in Brawl, the list goes on...

They definitely need to have their next console be a joint venture, though.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
DSLover said:
they need a much better games line-up with games that appeal to japanese tastes, a price cut may help while they need to step it up a bit in marketing. i think a slimmed down version would go down well.

lol Has anyone even mentioned how more of a slimmed shape the X360 would look like? It would look more like a tanpon to me. (hourglass shape = tanpon)

Which is why, if it looks like a tanpon, it gets its period of 'failure' (RRoD).