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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox Live adds 6 Million members in a single Year, is the hate unjustified?


Does Xbox Live deserve the criticism it gets in the forums?

Yes Xbox Live is a rip off 221 45.19%
No Xbox Live is the best ... 208 42.54%
No opinion / don't care 60 12.27%
Osc89 said:
The Fury said:

In the case of MS though, are they the ones keeping the Black Ops 2 servers up and running or is it Activision/Treyarch? If the latter why doesn't the money paid for Xbox Live go towards Activision? (the very arguement they had with Ms a couple of years back).

That said, you are right, there is little reason to why those who don't use the service have to argue against it but maybe they just aren't saying more than you need to know. But if 'they really want to use it', maybe they do but just can't justify paying that extra fee considering they have not been paying for it on PC, Playstation or Wii, they don't understand why they should have to pay for something they've had before for free from everyone else.

In any business, if I'm used to not having to pay for something, regardless of what it is then one day another company steps in and starts charging for the same thing I've had for free for many years, I'd complain, even if there are those that just don't mind and pay anyway.

There is a perfectly good reason to complain against others using Xbox Live. Everyone who does is demonstrating that they are willing to spend £40 a year on a very trivial improvement. Sony could look at this, slightly uprade beyond Xbox Live and charge £80? Nintendo spots this, overtakes and charges £120? Everyone who buys Xbox Live is paying for something we can get for free, and it could result in the rest of us having to pay.

It's also why we think there could be truth in rumours of the 720 not allowing used games or forcing a constant internet connection. Microsoft have realised they can push their loyal customers into a worse deal than the competition, and they'll love it anyway. Look at all the support they get in this thread, despite the fact that if everyone stopped paying for a month Gold would be free instantly. Everyone should be against it, as Sony and Nintendo might pick up on the fact that they would be a lot better off if they start screwing over their most loyal customers. Instead of PS+ and Ambassador Programs we'll get adverts and subscription fees, and the most loyal will defend it for them.

Like my last sentence points out, if that were the case I'd complain. I too think charging for online is bad but really have have no reason to complain as I made my choice not to pay by buying their competitors console.

Hmm, pie.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Sony fans hate LIVE

MS fans love LIVE

For the majority one of those feelings is based on experience and one is based on something else.


Its probably jealousy.


The Fury said:
Osc89 said:
The Fury said:

In the case of MS though, are they the ones keeping the Black Ops 2 servers up and running or is it Activision/Treyarch? If the latter why doesn't the money paid for Xbox Live go towards Activision? (the very arguement they had with Ms a couple of years back).

That said, you are right, there is little reason to why those who don't use the service have to argue against it but maybe they just aren't saying more than you need to know. But if 'they really want to use it', maybe they do but just can't justify paying that extra fee considering they have not been paying for it on PC, Playstation or Wii, they don't understand why they should have to pay for something they've had before for free from everyone else.

In any business, if I'm used to not having to pay for something, regardless of what it is then one day another company steps in and starts charging for the same thing I've had for free for many years, I'd complain, even if there are those that just don't mind and pay anyway.

There is a perfectly good reason to complain against others using Xbox Live. Everyone who does is demonstrating that they are willing to spend £40 a year on a very trivial improvement. Sony could look at this, slightly uprade beyond Xbox Live and charge £80? Nintendo spots this, overtakes and charges £120? Everyone who buys Xbox Live is paying for something we can get for free, and it could result in the rest of us having to pay.

It's also why we think there could be truth in rumours of the 720 not allowing used games or forcing a constant internet connection. Microsoft have realised they can push their loyal customers into a worse deal than the competition, and they'll love it anyway. Look at all the support they get in this thread, despite the fact that if everyone stopped paying for a month Gold would be free instantly. Everyone should be against it, as Sony and Nintendo might pick up on the fact that they would be a lot better off if they start screwing over their most loyal customers. Instead of PS+ and Ambassador Programs we'll get adverts and subscription fees, and the most loyal will defend it for them.

Like my last sentence points out, if that were the case I'd complain. I too think charging for online is bad but really have have no reason to complain as I made my choice not to pay by buying their competitors console.

Yeah, sorry I wasn't really directing it at you, I was just grabbing a related quote to bouce off. I'm more complaining as someone with a 360 sitting under the TV with some first party games where I can't justify playing the multiplayer, as it's a slippery slope. And it isn't really Microsoft's fault, it's the fans that are letting them do this, and they seem proud of it. But even people without 360s should be concerned. At least I have a PS3 for all the third party games.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
BenVTrigger said:

So even though this current generation of consoles is dieing Xbox Live certainly isn't.  In fact in their Earnings Report today it was confirmed that Live memberships were up by 18% and added 6 million new members in a year.

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

So whats your opinion? Is the hate Live gets from some people unjustified?

Will people -in their desperate attempt to defend their favourite brand- stop calling solid arguments "hate" ?

There is no way to sugar coat or justify MS making people pay for essentially part of a game they have bought. Here's what all the xbox "soldiers" do: they want to turn the discussion into a matter of services, justifying the cost. But that's is the thing, it's not a about the better value for money. It's about the very basic access to the online part of a game you own. With this generation online gaming being fundamental, MS invented a whole new market by charging people for something they already bought. If a game has a built in online component and you bought the damn thing you are entitled to play it. What MS did is sell you half a console.

When people start comparing services between psn or psn+ to Live, they consciously mislead the consumer. It's not about services but the game itself. It's not about paying for a better network or demos or dlc or access to an eshop or voice chat. It's about cutting you out from a core part of a game you own and divert the attention with other stuff you may or may not even want.

You will be paying for PSN on PS4

Im curious what youll say then

kowenicki said:

No, its not that.  I think some fans actually beliueve they can influence the market and sales by constant bellyaching about something they dont even use.

Hilarious isnt it.

It is quite funny. While I sit in the camp of "online gaming should be free"... Its pretty damn easy to see why it isnt, when the consumer consistantly pays for the service. Id like it to be free but I dont mind paying when it means I get a) a good quality experience, b) the chance to play games with my friends and c) early access to certain content (Which Live subs go towards MS funding for said early content)

The consumer clearly doesnt mind - They get a whole bunch of extras to go along with the online gaming and its generally a great deal providing you use the services available.

Microsoft dont mind - They make a mint

3rd party developers dont really mind how Live is run - games have the potential to sell Million over XBLA, expecially if they have an online component (See Minecraft)

People who dont subscribe to Live make more of a fuss about it than people who subscribe. I think its a cross between jealousy (started at the start of the generation where there simply wasnt competition for Live) and people on a high horse trying to act like some kind of samaritan.


Around the Network
kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:
Sony fans hate LIVE

MS fans love LIVE

For the majority one of those feelings is based on experience and one is based on something else.


Its probably jealousy.

No, its not that.  I think some fans actually beliueve they can influence the market and sales by constant bellyaching about something they dont even use.

Hilarious isnt it.

Well you are kind of right. I would hope that complaining about Live means not as many people get Live, and when the numbers go down enough MS makes it free! Then I can get all my third party games on the 360 as they are generally supposed to run better on it. But no, you are paying for what the other consoles are getting for free, and are proud of it for some reason.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

pezus said:
BenVTrigger said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
BenVTrigger said:

So even though this current generation of consoles is dieing Xbox Live certainly isn't.  In fact in their Earnings Report today it was confirmed that Live memberships were up by 18% and added 6 million new members in a year.

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

So whats your opinion? Is the hate Live gets from some people unjustified?

Will people -in their desperate attempt to defend their favourite brand- stop calling solid arguments "hate" ?

There is no way to sugar coat or justify MS making people pay for essentially part of a game they have bought. Here's what all the xbox "soldiers" do: they want to turn the discussion into a matter of services, justifying the cost. But that's is the thing, it's not a about the better value for money. It's about the very basic access to the online part of a game you own. With this generation online gaming being fundamental, MS invented a whole new market by charging people for something they already bought. If a game has a built in online component and you bought the damn thing you are entitled to play it. What MS did is sell you half a console.

When people start comparing services between psn or psn+ to Live, they consciously mislead the consumer. It's not about services but the game itself. It's not about paying for a better network or demos or dlc or access to an eshop or voice chat. It's about cutting you out from a core part of a game you own and divert the attention with other stuff you may or may not even want.

You will be paying for PSN on PS4

Im curious what youll say then

If that's what PS+ turns into and it will be the same price it is now, I know I will keep paying but only because I think it's way more than worth it with everything it already has. I would keep paying for Plus even if online was free, so it won't change anything for me. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that some people won't care. In fact, I'm pretty sure many will cry foul if that happens. 

If paying for Live was universally accepted, wouldn't 360 be owning the sales week after week? You have to wonder how and why some people buy a PS3 over a 360. Online play being free is one of the reasons. Can't deny that. And it isn't hate for the service, it's dislike for the price. 

You will be paying to play online

That is supposedly Sony fans problem with Live.  Your dodging the point.

BenVTrigger said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
BenVTrigger said:

So even though this current generation of consoles is dieing Xbox Live certainly isn't.  In fact in their Earnings Report today it was confirmed that Live memberships were up by 18% and added 6 million new members in a year.

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

So whats your opinion? Is the hate Live gets from some people unjustified?

Will people -in their desperate attempt to defend their favourite brand- stop calling solid arguments "hate" ?

There is no way to sugar coat or justify MS making people pay for essentially part of a game they have bought. Here's what all the xbox "soldiers" do: they want to turn the discussion into a matter of services, justifying the cost. But that's is the thing, it's not a about the better value for money. It's about the very basic access to the online part of a game you own. With this generation online gaming being fundamental, MS invented a whole new market by charging people for something they already bought. If a game has a built in online component and you bought the damn thing you are entitled to play it. What MS did is sell you half a console.

When people start comparing services between psn or psn+ to Live, they consciously mislead the consumer. It's not about services but the game itself. It's not about paying for a better network or demos or dlc or access to an eshop or voice chat. It's about cutting you out from a core part of a game you own and divert the attention with other stuff you may or may not even want.

You will be paying for PSN on PS4

Im curious what youll say then

I'll blame everyone paying for Live right now. Without you guys, this never could have happened. I'd also have to think the unthinkable, buying third-party games for the Wii U! That's a long shot though, looks like we'd all have to choose between XBL and PSN.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

pezus said:
It would be nice if some of you actually read the points people make instead of just attacking a fanbase repeatedly, calling people haters.
Again, I'd like to ask those same people where they see people hating on Live as a service instead of the fact that you have to pay a price for it.

To be fair can you show me a Nintendo fan in this thread attacking Live?

And if so now please count how many Sony fans there are.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:

Enough with these misleading excuses about services.

outlawauron said:
I think its a ripoff and I still pay for it. I HAVE to pay for it in order to take advantage of key gaming features and gameplay.

What this guy said: KEY GAMING FEATURES.

You buy Black Ops II.

Is this an online game ? Yes.

You buy an Xbox 360

 Can you play black ops II online out of the box ? No.

Guess what. Microsoft sold you half a bloody console.

Everyone knows you need an XBLG account to play online. It says it both on the box of Black Ops II and the box of the 360 itself. So if you buy that and then think "Microsoft sold me half a bloody console!!!1!" then the buyer would have no one to blame but themselves.

But that's the thing... people know this and still buy the consoles. People know this and still buy the games. And then many sign up for the Gold service. And many do not. MS isn't twisting anyones arm. They have clearly created a service that people are ok with paying for, because it's far superior to what you can get on the Wii/WiiU or the PS3.  And it's so superior that Sony is putting a lot of focus on the online play and social integration for PS4. So shouldn't you Sony guys be happy about it?

And I hope the next gen PS4 is pay to play. If it ensures lightning fast matchmaking servers, unified features across the board, demos for all games bandwidth be damned, and all the goodies provided by Live thanks to the entry fee, I am all for it.