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Osc89 said:
The Fury said:

In the case of MS though, are they the ones keeping the Black Ops 2 servers up and running or is it Activision/Treyarch? If the latter why doesn't the money paid for Xbox Live go towards Activision? (the very arguement they had with Ms a couple of years back).

That said, you are right, there is little reason to why those who don't use the service have to argue against it but maybe they just aren't saying more than you need to know. But if 'they really want to use it', maybe they do but just can't justify paying that extra fee considering they have not been paying for it on PC, Playstation or Wii, they don't understand why they should have to pay for something they've had before for free from everyone else.

In any business, if I'm used to not having to pay for something, regardless of what it is then one day another company steps in and starts charging for the same thing I've had for free for many years, I'd complain, even if there are those that just don't mind and pay anyway.

There is a perfectly good reason to complain against others using Xbox Live. Everyone who does is demonstrating that they are willing to spend £40 a year on a very trivial improvement. Sony could look at this, slightly uprade beyond Xbox Live and charge £80? Nintendo spots this, overtakes and charges £120? Everyone who buys Xbox Live is paying for something we can get for free, and it could result in the rest of us having to pay.

It's also why we think there could be truth in rumours of the 720 not allowing used games or forcing a constant internet connection. Microsoft have realised they can push their loyal customers into a worse deal than the competition, and they'll love it anyway. Look at all the support they get in this thread, despite the fact that if everyone stopped paying for a month Gold would be free instantly. Everyone should be against it, as Sony and Nintendo might pick up on the fact that they would be a lot better off if they start screwing over their most loyal customers. Instead of PS+ and Ambassador Programs we'll get adverts and subscription fees, and the most loyal will defend it for them.

Like my last sentence points out, if that were the case I'd complain. I too think charging for online is bad but really have have no reason to complain as I made my choice not to pay by buying their competitors console.

Hmm, pie.