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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2013 NPD Thread! - 360:261k, 3DS:230k, PS3:212k, Wii:91k, DS:86k, WiiU:67k, PSV: 33k

Nsanity said:
ethomaz said:
Wait... wait... wait...

GoW is undertracked and beat Gears???

And all there threads talking about how Gears destroyed GoW?

dude really? smh 

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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Carl2291 said:
Wii U being a PS360 port machine continues, and continues to fail as a strategy. Those NFS numbers are quite shocking considering it was actually a great port with some effort put into it.

I wonder how Deus Ex is gonna do...

The Wii U's low install base and EA charging full price for a 5 to 6 month old game doesnt really help either.

BenVTrigger said:
The Wii U numbers are terrifyingly bad

Nintendo honestly have to be in panic mode at this point about it

Not really much they can do. Its too early for a price cut and 3rd party relationships are unlikely to change enough to make a difference.

What Ninty has to do is release their holiday titles and hope gamers take notice. Of course a price cut would help as well.

Nsanity said:

No new game > 1m
600k < gowj < gowa < tr, but the diff between each other is less than 10k
hunter / lego fan could be sad

Wow. So those God of War bundles really helped. So glad  to see God of War outsell Gears :D It'll most likely have better legs too

Tomb Raider opens up to franchise high numbers.

Square Enix are still disappointed.


Sad to see were overtracking Luigi so much. Aside from the odd online glitch its a great game.


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Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

People don't want to play these games on the go with sub-PS3 graphics. If they want these types of games that's what their PS3/360 (soon PS4/720) and big screen TV is for. Nintendo games fit well within the confines of bite size handheld gaming, but most big PS3/360 pubs struggle.

You're wrong here. There is something Sony can do for Vita......price cut and/or Vita Slim. It will do wonders for sales if paired with a mainstream title such as the next COD game or even another Uncharted. Of course these titles are only temporary fixes and won't do much for it in the long term.(unless Vita suddenly explodes in popularity)

The huge amount of indie games coming to Vita is encouraging. These games are perfect for handheld gaming and they are cheap. 

VGKing said:
Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

People don't want to play these games on the go with sub-PS3 graphics. If they want these types of games that's what their PS3/360 (soon PS4/720) and big screen TV is for. Nintendo games fit well within the confines of bite size handheld gaming, but most big PS3/360 pubs struggle.

You're wrong here. There is something Sony can do for Vita......price cut and/or Vita Slim. It will do wonders for sales if paired with a mainstream title such as the next COD game or even another Uncharted. Of course these titles are only temporary fixes and won't do much for it in the long term.(unless Vita suddenly explodes in popularity)

The huge amount of indie games coming to Vita is encouraging. These games are perfect for handheld gaming and they are cheap. 

If it was the year 2004, sure. Too bad for Sony it's 2013. World's changed, dude. Even kids don't want gaming handhelds.

People just don't want to accept it with the Wii U and Vita that the mass market has just found different interests, it's blatantly obvious.

The OP forgot to add this:

Bioshock Infinite (360, PS3, PC)** Take 2 Interactive - At least 750K

so games didn't help the wii U after all

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

I mean can you really blame EA with numbers like these? It was the best version of the game too

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!