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Forums - General Discussion - My brother beat somebody up. Lesson learned? (explicit/not for children)

Naraku_Diabolos said:

Damn right! Just because I tapped the girl on the nose doesn't mean I should be in 'that' kind of trouble. She's a person, whether or not she has sagging titties and no wiener.

Men and women have their differences (in terms of body structure and limits), but girls have more wit and mental focus than males. Boys, and I'm one and I'll admit it, tend to think with their penises more than their brain in their head. Girls tend to also be a lot smarter at times when it comes to rash decisions, and have a better memory. My mom can remember where stuff is located in the house, or remembers information many years ago. I have that kind of memory too, but it's on random stuff and information not necessary to keep (video games, moments of the past etc.).

 You should try to not form generalizations over anecdotal evidence. Especially when you only include a few people in the example. =P

 Men and Women are equal, as far as rights goes. I don't remember anyone trying to tell me that Men and Women are equal in body and mind, hell, how many people actually are? I don't even know two guys who are equal in both body and mind, and the same goes for girls.

We're equal in our rights, but definitely not in our personal attributes.  

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weezy said:
DaSimkin is gonna be one of those ppl who are gonna have to learn the hard way :)

Learn what the hard way, exactly? You and your brother were both extremely stupid, and extremely lucky to walk away from that unscathed. I'm sorry, but thinking you need to physically confront someone because they called you a name is the behavior of a kindergartener, not an adult.

This was not a case where "shit happened." This fight was 100% avoidable, and you both know it. So some loser on the street called you a faggot. Who cares? F--- em, walk away. I understand this was your brother, not you, but if you care about his safety, you'll tell him the same thing.

I would be very careful if you see these guys again. I wouldn't assume that they've "learned their lesson" -- they may instead decide that they need to carry a weapon so that they can come out on top, or that they need to get all their friends together and jump you the next time they see you.

Guys, my bro and I dont go around looking to beat ppl up.

I've been in like 3 fights my whole life. Twice in highschool I had to beat some dudes up for trying to downgrade blacks.

I don't condone fighting but...

I'm one of those types if someone wants it? They got it.

Also im such a wimp. I dont think im tough.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



If someone wants to pick a fight, let them pick a fight with someone else. Let them and some other moron beat the ever-loving crap out of each other while you walk around perfectly healthy, and smarter than both of them.

Soriku said:
I don't know if I should laugh or not, but this part is just too funny:

"And the guy threw a hook at my brother's eye (Big mistake.) and the instant my bro got hit, he grabbed the guy by his shirt, with his left and punched right through his head, with his right (it didnt even look like my brothers fist colliided with anything) and the dude got knocked out and my brother got on top of him and threw another left and right when he was on the ground. The whole time I was 5 feet from my bro like, "OH SHIT, SON!!""

 I find that amusing too. If I had have been there and seen that punch, and with it completely going THROUGH the guys head, possibly exploding it, I would have yelled this.


"HEADSHOT SON!" and then t-bagged. :P 

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your brother had the right idea
those skater punks deserved it

For those telling weezy he did something stupid:

I don`t think you guys know what harassment means. These punks were not going to leave them alone. Sometimes it is not a matter of leaving or ignoring them. Would there be so many problems with bullies on school if the victims could just leave?

Following weezy`s story, these guys would keep following them and insulting them. What if they decided to punch weezy`s bro after he ignored them? Should he and his brother run like little girls? What if the punks catch up to them, should the get beaten and them look for the cops?

Sometimes we do not have these choices. I avoid all the fights I can, but there were some cases that I had to get physical. It is sad, it sucks, but I do not think weezy would get away without a fight.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

He said they were walking away and had gotten 25-40 steps away. To me, that says that these guys weren't looking for a fight, they wanted to wait until they got far enough away and then have the last word so they could feel good about themselves. If the other guys had tried to attack them, they absolutely would have been justified in defending themselves, but that's not how it went down.

To hell with them! You should not feel bad for the dude because he deserved it. I agree with others when they say that the other dude should have got messed up too. My friend and I whipped these two dudes up a month ago for trying to steal my cd player out of my car. The funny thing is that I never leave my face plate on for that reason. What the heck are two idiots going to do with a cd player with no faceplate. LOL. We caught them in the act and delivered the ultimate butt kicking. If stupid people get their butt kicked for doing or saying bad stuff to others they are asking for the trouble they recieve. That is just a personal opinion.


Hell, I wouldn't feel bad...I'd have done the same thing.

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