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Naraku_Diabolos said:

Damn right! Just because I tapped the girl on the nose doesn't mean I should be in 'that' kind of trouble. She's a person, whether or not she has sagging titties and no wiener.

Men and women have their differences (in terms of body structure and limits), but girls have more wit and mental focus than males. Boys, and I'm one and I'll admit it, tend to think with their penises more than their brain in their head. Girls tend to also be a lot smarter at times when it comes to rash decisions, and have a better memory. My mom can remember where stuff is located in the house, or remembers information many years ago. I have that kind of memory too, but it's on random stuff and information not necessary to keep (video games, moments of the past etc.).

 You should try to not form generalizations over anecdotal evidence. Especially when you only include a few people in the example. =P

 Men and Women are equal, as far as rights goes. I don't remember anyone trying to tell me that Men and Women are equal in body and mind, hell, how many people actually are? I don't even know two guys who are equal in both body and mind, and the same goes for girls.

We're equal in our rights, but definitely not in our personal attributes.