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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 made the greatest comeback ever.

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PS3 made the greatest comeback ever

Agree 471 71.04%
Disagree 192 28.96%

Nintendo's comeback with the Wii was the greatest. They went from selling 20 million units and last place, and an image issue with Nintendo eing seen as for kids only, to 100 million and first place by far, and Nintendo made more profit that generation than all other videogame companies combined. This was a gain of 500% generation over generation in hardware numbers.

SNES also started off slow, and the Megadrive had taken over as the dominant platform holding 70% of the sales in 91 through 93. Then after Donkey Kong Country debuted rendered 24-bit graphics in 94, SNES came up from behind and surpassed everything on the market every week for over 2 and a half years, including Sony and Sega's new 32-bit consoles. SNES ended up surpassing Megadrive by a wide margin and taking first place for the generation.

PS3's comeback is not nearly as impressive in comparison. PS3 was a sharp decline from PS2's insurmountable lead down to last place. In addition, over the course of 6 and a half years, PS3 only managed to catch up a little, while ultimately remaining in last place.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Oh no, not this talk again. It is by now in no way guaranteed it will and if this will ever happen, the new gen has already sold million units and nobody cares about last gen.

So, you're saying that the PS3 stopped selling when the WiiU came out?

No, I didn't. Read the bolded part again before replying like thousand times done before.

Gotcha. But I think you're presuming that everyone else is you. Harken back to the beginning of the year when an analyst said that global PS3 shipments have passed the 360's - the news was on every website. 2000 comments on the IGN's new page says that you more wrong than right.

What? Ah, whatever - this has been discussed before you entered VGC and I won't do this again because it is also derailing the thread.

But the most laughable part is "the news was on every website" and "2000 comments" - this is proving nothing. Perhaps you also say opinions on N4G are right because most agree?

 Also, if you believe more the numbers of an analyst why are you on this site?! But believe what you want, I will end this discussion here.

Have a nice day!


I think it proves that you might be in the minority of messgageboard posters who won't care if the PS3 passes the Wii. I think it's more a case of you not wanting it to happen than one of you not caring.

walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Turkish said:
Think about it, when its all said and done the PS3 will be very close to Wii sales, perhaps even more.

Same could happen to 360 (stingray). 

It'll be funny if the Wii finishes last.

Why this? I will still consider the Wii as gen-winner as it made an impressive comeback company-wise. It is sad that 3rd-party-support was so bad. I had a lot of fun with friends playing on Wii (but didn't own it).

Doesn't matter what you consider. The total numbers are what dictates who the winner is and the Wii will not finish first.

Viktor said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Like I said some of you are obviously still really sad because PS3 didn´t dominate the market. Most will just valuate it for what it is, while Nintendo (since 2011) and MS will have moved on and concentrate on next gen systems, Sony will try to squeeze out every little drop of PS3 due to their billions lost in the beginning. That´s also a reason PS4 likely won´t have backward compatibility.

This is also really similar to the reactions in 2010/2011, when NDS slowed down in Japan due to the shift of development and marketing resources to their next gen handheld and due to that PSP became the best selling system for some months, and we know what this "victory" was in the grand picture of the market today.

Most people would just recognise the sales but I doubt they will be obsessed with last-gen system sales like some people in this thread instead of beeing more interested in how the new systems perform. We know that likely this year and if there are any relevant delays next year all 3 (Sony, MS, N) will have huge marketing campaigns to market their new systems and this will affect any last gen system anyway.  

I wasn't around when the PS consoles were dominating everything. But, as I said, what matters is who ends up first. Not my problem if you don't like the thought of a Nintendo system not being first.

Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Oh no, not this talk again. It is by now in no way guaranteed it will and if this will ever happen, the new gen has already sold million units and nobody cares about last gen.

So, you're saying that the PS3 stopped selling when the WiiU came out?

No, I didn't. Read the bolded part again before replying like thousand times done before.

Gotcha. But I think you're presuming that everyone else is you. Harken back to the beginning of the year when an analyst said that global PS3 shipments have passed the 360's - the news was on every website. 2000 comments on the IGN's new page says that you more wrong than right.

What? Ah, whatever - this has been discussed before you entered VGC and I won't do this again because it is also derailing the thread.

But the most laughable part is "the news was on every website" and "2000 comments" - this is proving nothing. Perhaps you also say opinions on N4G are right because most agree?

 Also, if you believe more the numbers of an analyst why are you on this site?! But believe what you want, I will end this discussion here.

Have a nice day!


I think it proves that you might be in the minority of messgageboard posters who won't care if the PS3 passes the Wii. I think it's more a case of you not wanting it to happen than one of you not caring.

Yes! Always stick to the majority, man. That's the most successful way of living.... *sigh* But I can live with the fact that I don't belong to the mighty and trustworthy majority of elite messageboard posters stating their opinion ;) Obviously this is something important to you.

Around the Network
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Oh no, not this talk again. It is by now in no way guaranteed it will and if this will ever happen, the new gen has already sold million units and nobody cares about last gen.

So, you're saying that the PS3 stopped selling when the WiiU came out?

No, I didn't. Read the bolded part again before replying like thousand times done before.

Gotcha. But I think you're presuming that everyone else is you. Harken back to the beginning of the year when an analyst said that global PS3 shipments have passed the 360's - the news was on every website. 2000 comments on the IGN's new page says that you more wrong than right.

What? Ah, whatever - this has been discussed before you entered VGC and I won't do this again because it is also derailing the thread.

But the most laughable part is "the news was on every website" and "2000 comments" - this is proving nothing. Perhaps you also say opinions on N4G are right because most agree?

 Also, if you believe more the numbers of an analyst why are you on this site?! But believe what you want, I will end this discussion here.

Have a nice day!


I think it proves that you might be in the minority of messgageboard posters who won't care if the PS3 passes the Wii. I think it's more a case of you not wanting it to happen than one of you not caring.

Yes! Always stick to the majority, man. That's the most successful way of living.... *sigh* But I can live with the fact that I don't belong to the mighty and trustworthy majority of elite messageboard posters stating their opinion ;) Obviously this is something important to you.

I would say about as important as it is to you. But funny how you're talking about the majority now while you're the one who said that nobody cares about "last gen".

Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Oh no, not this talk again. It is by now in no way guaranteed it will and if this will ever happen, the new gen has already sold million units and nobody cares about last gen.

So, you're saying that the PS3 stopped selling when the WiiU came out?

No, I didn't. Read the bolded part again before replying like thousand times done before.

Gotcha. But I think you're presuming that everyone else is you. Harken back to the beginning of the year when an analyst said that global PS3 shipments have passed the 360's - the news was on every website. 2000 comments on the IGN's new page says that you more wrong than right.

What? Ah, whatever - this has been discussed before you entered VGC and I won't do this again because it is also derailing the thread.

But the most laughable part is "the news was on every website" and "2000 comments" - this is proving nothing. Perhaps you also say opinions on N4G are right because most agree?

 Also, if you believe more the numbers of an analyst why are you on this site?! But believe what you want, I will end this discussion here.

Have a nice day!


I think it proves that you might be in the minority of messgageboard posters who won't care if the PS3 passes the Wii. I think it's more a case of you not wanting it to happen than one of you not caring.

Yes! Always stick to the majority, man. That's the most successful way of living.... *sigh* But I can live with the fact that I don't belong to the mighty and trustworthy majority of elite messageboard posters stating their opinion ;) Obviously this is something important to you.

I would say about as important as it is to you. But funny how you're talking about the majority now while you're the one who said that nobody cares about "last gen".

In our talk you are the only one who says otherwise. I won't dig out the threads that have been here before you entered the side but I am not alone but even if this wouldn't disturb me. That's the nice thing about opinions, they can hardly be argued. 

No it wasn't/isn't

walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
walsufnir said:
Lawlight said:
Viktor said:

PS3 was considered to become the dominant market leader pre launch and to overtake X360 in the first 1-2 years, 3rd party support was therefore guaranteed. Games like GTA4, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid were even announced before PS3 came to the market, and every reasonable and actually most people said PS3 will be fine when it´s price gets down. Reading this thread I get the impression someones feelings got hurt and now try to compensate something because Sony failed to dominate back in the day.

I wonder how you feel about the PS3 finishing first this gen.

Oh no, not this talk again. It is by now in no way guaranteed it will and if this will ever happen, the new gen has already sold million units and nobody cares about last gen.

So, you're saying that the PS3 stopped selling when the WiiU came out?

No, I didn't. Read the bolded part again before replying like thousand times done before.

Gotcha. But I think you're presuming that everyone else is you. Harken back to the beginning of the year when an analyst said that global PS3 shipments have passed the 360's - the news was on every website. 2000 comments on the IGN's new page says that you more wrong than right.

What? Ah, whatever - this has been discussed before you entered VGC and I won't do this again because it is also derailing the thread.

But the most laughable part is "the news was on every website" and "2000 comments" - this is proving nothing. Perhaps you also say opinions on N4G are right because most agree?

 Also, if you believe more the numbers of an analyst why are you on this site?! But believe what you want, I will end this discussion here.

Have a nice day!


I think it proves that you might be in the minority of messgageboard posters who won't care if the PS3 passes the Wii. I think it's more a case of you not wanting it to happen than one of you not caring.

Yes! Always stick to the majority, man. That's the most successful way of living.... *sigh* But I can live with the fact that I don't belong to the mighty and trustworthy majority of elite messageboard posters stating their opinion ;) Obviously this is something important to you.

I would say about as important as it is to you. But funny how you're talking about the majority now while you're the one who said that nobody cares about "last gen".

In our talk you are the only one who says otherwise. I won't dig out the threads that have been here before you entered the side but I am not alone but even if this wouldn't disturb me. That's the nice thing about opinions, they can hardly be argued. 

Well, ignoring the facts is one way to look at something...

Sony managed an impressive turnaround with PS3, but it pales in comparison to the renaissance Nintendo achieved with Wii.

Honestly, the two scenarios aren't really close. PS3 endured a rocky launch and then improved greatly, but Nintendo moved from last place to first place with one of the most revolutionary, disruptive, financially successful consoles of all time.

Even if we're talking about a single console generation, Sony hasn't "won" anything. It's still sitting in third place. I'm not saying it deserves to be in third -- it doesn't -- but it IS there. If a basketball team had a 13-0 run to end the game, but still lost 78-75, it wouldn't be called a comeback, would it?

Really the only way to argue this is to cite software, but even that would be a losing argument. The early PS3 games might not be as impressive as the later ones, but there were some gems: Resistance, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, etc.