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Nintendo's comeback with the Wii was the greatest. They went from selling 20 million units and last place, and an image issue with Nintendo eing seen as for kids only, to 100 million and first place by far, and Nintendo made more profit that generation than all other videogame companies combined. This was a gain of 500% generation over generation in hardware numbers.

SNES also started off slow, and the Megadrive had taken over as the dominant platform holding 70% of the sales in 91 through 93. Then after Donkey Kong Country debuted rendered 24-bit graphics in 94, SNES came up from behind and surpassed everything on the market every week for over 2 and a half years, including Sony and Sega's new 32-bit consoles. SNES ended up surpassing Megadrive by a wide margin and taking first place for the generation.

PS3's comeback is not nearly as impressive in comparison. PS3 was a sharp decline from PS2's insurmountable lead down to last place. In addition, over the course of 6 and a half years, PS3 only managed to catch up a little, while ultimately remaining in last place.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.