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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii is a fad claim revisited.


Was Wii a fad?

Yes 219 55.30%
No 147 37.12%
Hesitant to say one way o... 29 7.32%
Marks said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Marks said:
Nah I've changed my mind. I certainly still think motion controls were a fad, and won't be a prominent selling point next gen (Wii U isn't using it as a selling point, no mention of it with PS4 that I saw)...but selling 100 million units, pretty much just gonna call it a success.

Certainly doesn't look like the Wii U is going to carry on the same level of success.

Are boy bands just a success or a fad? Because Backstreet Boys went on to sell the 9th highest selling album of all time... but I would consider them a fad in a heart beat as you can see from the rest of their album sales (less than half of Mellenium at 40+mil).

Well the Beatles are a boy band if you ask me. So boy bands are hard to classify, the Beatles are still popular, but ones like the Backstreet Boys have disappeared. I dunno, good question. 

The Beatles: The OG's of boy bands. Haha. Were the Beatles marketed exclusively towards women? I know they definatly did market towards them but I don't think it was exclusively. I would think that's where the difference is between a pop culture phenom with big following of girls compared to backstreet boys.

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noname2200 said:
hinch said:

I can see why people consider it a fad. A huge portion of sales from the Wii come from the people who bought the Wii for Wii Sports/Fit. There was massive hype around the motion controls (which, lets face it was the main focus of the Wii). Hence the massive explosion in sales. Then when people got bored of the playing these games, the system slumped. The system wasn't sustainable on just relying on one off non gamers.

Out of curiousity, what data would you support for any of these assertions?

noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
It really was. The Wii's populartity started with the Nintendo fans being excited for it pre-launch. From there once it launched it was parodied in Youtube videos and showcased on TV shows. You say people throwing Wimotes at their TVs, you saw the sex jokes....etc. All this kept the Wii name in the public eye. What Nintendo failed to do was move it past that. Their competitors brought out similar and arguably better products and Nintendo's answer was Wii

And yet those competing better products got outsold by a bathroom scale.

Pretty sure Kinect is right up there with that Wii Fit in terms of sales. That's not the point though. Nintendo had this "Wii Fit" crowd all to themselves until Sony and Microsoft chased after them.

And thank God for that, right. If rumors are to be believed, each PS4 will come with a dual-camera Eyetoy, and each Durango will have its own Kinect. And apparently for good reason, as it looks like these things sell!

If these things could sell on their own they wouldn't need to be force-bundled.

fads generally go away quickly so the Wii wanst a fad as it stayed selling for quite some time

VGKing said:
noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
It really was. The Wii's populartity started with the Nintendo fans being excited for it pre-launch. From there once it launched it was parodied in Youtube videos and showcased on TV shows. You say people throwing Wimotes at their TVs, you saw the sex jokes....etc. All this kept the Wii name in the public eye. What Nintendo failed to do was move it past that. Their competitors brought out similar and arguably better products and Nintendo's answer was Wii

And yet those competing better products got outsold by a bathroom scale.

Pretty sure Kinect is right up there with that Wii Fit in terms of sales. That's not the point though. Nintendo had this "Wii Fit" crowd all to themselves until Sony and Microsoft chased after them.

And thank God for that, right. If rumors are to be believed, each PS4 will come with a dual-camera Eyetoy, and each Durango will have its own Kinect. And apparently for good reason, as it looks like these things sell!

If these things could sell on their own they wouldn't need to be force-bundled.

100% agreed. The Dualshock controller would never have sold were it not bundled with every PlayStation console.

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Max King of the Wild said:
noname2200 said:

Out of curiousity, what data would you support for any of these assertions?


I understand and appreciate your enthusiasm for joining this part of the discussion, but this is the "trying to actually learn stuff" portion of the evening. Thank you for your understanding.

VGKing said:

If these things could sell on their own they wouldn't need to be force-bundled.

Interesting stance to take regarding a controller, but I will say that it strikes me as risky to increase the cost of your new system by an appreciable (PS4) to very noticeable (Durango) amount by force-bundling expensive pieces of hardware that apparently try to take advantage of a fad that died years ago.

greenmedic88 said:
oniyide said:

I think some are pissed that it did not turn out they way they thought it would, so they lash out. The Wii didnt get the 50% market share they thought it would, it didnt get the support they thought it would, from either 3rd parties or even Ninty toward the end. Their are also some who hate Sony/MS and thought this woudl have been the opportunity for them to go away, that didnt happen and it pisses some of them off, if anything those two still managed to do ok and still they continue to get support. YOu made good point and i would just ignore them.

This is pretty much the definition of "butthurt." 

I'm sure those who have been following the 7th gen since it started are well aware of the stark contrasts between the die hard Nintendo fan in 2006-2009 when the Wii was breaking all records, as was the DS and it was all Nintendomination this and Nintendomination that, and all the third party developers must develop their leading projects for the Wii or go out of business, etc... and somewhere around 2010 when sales started dropping, the Wii was no longer newsworthy, marketshare was dropping, development took a turn for the worse and suddenly all those enthusiastic, smug Nintendo fans became a lot like the bitter Sega fans following the demise of the Dreamcast. 

The Wii had an incredible run, and I have a hard time envisioning another console that will be able to repeat that phenomenon (the one where a mass produced item like a console is constantly short on stock for almost two years), but the numbers don't lie in showing just how quickly the hype and enthusiasm came crashing back down once the general public's fascination with the Wii diminished. 

Its funny becuz you guys sound like you are still butthurt. Why exactly would Ninty fans be butthurt? The Wii is still in the lead lol.

PDF said:
Yes it was a fad. That means I was right back in 2007. Yay me. (except i predicted the fad would be over by 09)

closer than most who expected > Ps2 sales

Chrizum said:
VGKing said:
noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
noname2200 said:
VGKing said:
It really was. The Wii's populartity started with the Nintendo fans being excited for it pre-launch. From there once it launched it was parodied in Youtube videos and showcased on TV shows. You say people throwing Wimotes at their TVs, you saw the sex jokes....etc. All this kept the Wii name in the public eye. What Nintendo failed to do was move it past that. Their competitors brought out similar and arguably better products and Nintendo's answer was Wii

And yet those competing better products got outsold by a bathroom scale.

Pretty sure Kinect is right up there with that Wii Fit in terms of sales. That's not the point though. Nintendo had this "Wii Fit" crowd all to themselves until Sony and Microsoft chased after them.

And thank God for that, right. If rumors are to be believed, each PS4 will come with a dual-camera Eyetoy, and each Durango will have its own Kinect. And apparently for good reason, as it looks like these things sell!

If these things could sell on their own they wouldn't need to be force-bundled.

100% agreed. The Dualshock controller would never have sold were it not bundled with every PlayStation console.

Bad comparison. A controller is required to play a game.  Kinect or Playstation Eye just aren't. Most of use never even use them.

That's like selling a TV without a remote. But as far as the Dualshock goes, those do sell on their own. People buy 2nd, 3rd and 4th controllers over the years not because they got brainwashed by some TV ads but because they need them for local multiplayer or their current one is broken.

phenom08 said:
greenmedic88 said:
oniyide said:

I think some are pissed that it did not turn out they way they thought it would, so they lash out. The Wii didnt get the 50% market share they thought it would, it didnt get the support they thought it would, from either 3rd parties or even Ninty toward the end. Their are also some who hate Sony/MS and thought this woudl have been the opportunity for them to go away, that didnt happen and it pisses some of them off, if anything those two still managed to do ok and still they continue to get support. YOu made good point and i would just ignore them.

This is pretty much the definition of "butthurt." 

I'm sure those who have been following the 7th gen since it started are well aware of the stark contrasts between the die hard Nintendo fan in 2006-2009 when the Wii was breaking all records, as was the DS and it was all Nintendomination this and Nintendomination that, and all the third party developers must develop their leading projects for the Wii or go out of business, etc... and somewhere around 2010 when sales started dropping, the Wii was no longer newsworthy, marketshare was dropping, development took a turn for the worse and suddenly all those enthusiastic, smug Nintendo fans became a lot like the bitter Sega fans following the demise of the Dreamcast. 

The Wii had an incredible run, and I have a hard time envisioning another console that will be able to repeat that phenomenon (the one where a mass produced item like a console is constantly short on stock for almost two years), but the numbers don't lie in showing just how quickly the hype and enthusiasm came crashing back down once the general public's fascination with the Wii diminished. 

Its funny becuz you guys sound like you are still butthurt. Why exactly would Ninty fans be butthurt? The Wii is still in the lead lol.

I'm sorry, I don't enjoy a console because it is selling the most... or else I wouldn't have enjoyed my N64. I would rather enjoy the games the Wii never got than enjoy the console being in first. To answer your question of what Wii fans have to be sour about? the anwer is a lot really.