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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Wii is a fad claim revisited.


Was Wii a fad?

Yes 219 55.30%
No 147 37.12%
Hesitant to say one way o... 29 7.32%
TruckOSaurus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
TruckOSaurus said:

In your OP, you say that Wii rushed to first place and then fizzled out quickly and that constitutes a fad.So I'm guessing that's how you define what is a fad.

The PSOne shattered console sales records in its first years on the market (much like the Wii) and after the 5th year it fizzled out dropping about 50% from 1999 to 2000 so this means it was a fad too right?

Ps1 sales in 1994 compared to Wii sales 2006. Beautiful comparison. As for my definition for a fad? It's been defined academically in an early post (If you didn't see it I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to read through all the posts either). But in the OP I gave a piece of evidence (fizzling out) as to why it was a fad. That clearly doesn't mean that it only needs to meet that criteria. I was leaving the discussion open for people to add and give their input as you can clearly see from the questions in the OP

I'm not attacking your definition of a fad, you're free to define it how you want. I didn't quote sales numbers for a reason, I only spoke of sales trends i.e. sales exploding then after a 5 year run dying off very quickly... that's the question I'm asking... does this trend constitute a fad in your eyes?

I was 7 in '94. To be more specific what constitutes as a fad in my eyes you would need to look at market trends during that time. That's why I don't agree with Ps1 vs Wii comparison because the market is so drastically different. As for if the Ps1 was a fad I honestly don't know. I have disagreed with people claiming Ps2 was a fad but I couldn't do that same concerning the Ps1 because I don't remember what the market was like 20 years ago. Nor do I know what the market trends and norms were

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Max King of the Wild said:
Trunkin said:
I don't think it was, but really, who gives a shit? Does the "fad" label somehow make it less of a success? Does it magically nullify Wii's 4 years of unprecedented sales, and it's influence on gaming as a whole?

Bold: Not at all... I've said many times through this thread all fads are successes but not all successes are fads. I don't see why people are so concerned with it being labeled a fad or not. I have always thought of it as a fad and I have had this discussion numerous times this gen. I made a comment in another thread about it being a fad and it gave me the idea to see if views have changed now that a new system has came out for Nintendo and the dust has settled. I thought it might have a decent amount of discussion but at the same time I didn't think it would prove to be such a hot button topic like it was in the past (ya know, since the Wii is old news, for lack of a better phrase, now.) But it appears I was wrong, It started well (on the second page I believe I was saying people who said no it wasn't had good points) but turned out ridiculous.

So, really, it just comes down to personal bias or your own perspective on what constitutes a fad. There's really no hope in changing any minds in a discussion like this, imo. Not on this forum, anyway.

oniyide said:
Screamapillar said:
oniyide said:
Screamapillar said:

I'm not talking about sequels to Wii games, I'm talking about Wii sequels to old, stable franchises.  Mario Kart Wii sold 33 million...Double Dash sold...7 million-ish?

Melee sold 7 mil, Brawl sold almost 12

Twilight Princess sold 7 mil, Wind Waker sold 4.5 mil

Galaxy sold 11 mil, Sunshine sold less than 6.5 mil

The popularity of Wii installments versus GameCube installments in these franchises proves that the expanded audience that caused Wii sales to explode got in on old Nintendo franchises that previously were in decline from N64 to GameCube. 

Im not talking about GC because GC has no bearing on the players on Wii. How does an old console show that Wii players stuck around? it doesnt, it doesnt make any sense. We would have to look at actual WII game numbers and looking at the numbers throught the gen, their was a drastic drop in many series that were doing large numbers. So that tells me that didnt stick around, or they stopped buying as much games.

I'm pointing out to you that many Wii owners who were either lapsed Nintendo fans, or people new to gaming, bought Wii games from long-time franchises.  Franchises that prior to Wii were in steep decline from generation to generation.  

It wasn't just 70 million people who bought a Wii for Wii Sports and that was their only software.  They clearly bought Mario Kart, I mean that's just indisputable.  They clearly bought NSMB Wii.   Clearly many more people bought Galaxy, Brawl, and Zelda that didn't buy those series installments for GameCube or N64.  I'm not talking about hardcore Nintendo fans that are always loyal to the brand.  This proves that there was indeed a large number of Wii owners who may have originally bought a Wii just to play Wii Sports, but eventually they began purchasing more core games like Mario and Mario Kart. 

Every system experiences steep declines in it's waning years on the market.  PS3 and 360 are experiencing heavy year-over-year declines too, for instance.  Both in software and hardware.  It's just how the industry works.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Max King of the Wild said:
Mnementh said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Let's compare Model T ford sales to a Honda Civic. Man... Model T's flopped hard... It makes no sense to compare the two and quite frankly that fact that you don't see that is alarming

Let's compare PS2 and Wii. Are both fads or none or only one? If only one, which one? And if you see one as a fad and the other not, you probably can explain what the differences are.

You are probably the most rational person in this thread so I will discuss with you.

I am not opposed to Ps2 vs Wii comparison. It makes a lot more sense than Ps1 to Wii (because Ps1 to Wii made no sense). As for if both were fads? I would deny Ps2 was a fad. It is still chugging on to this day. I doubt the Wii will be on the market 13+ years. The ps2 also never fizzled out as the Wii did (or else Wii would be near Ps2 levels by now since it was looking to break Ps2 sales at first) which I said is a clear indication of a fad as I've said in my OP

Poorest use of logic in this thread, mainly by countering your own logic.

Max King of the Wild said:

"I spent most of my teenage years skateboarding in the late 90's when it blew up. I dont regret it and had fun during that time. It was obviously a fad (thanks to tony hawk) even though the sport remains relevant today but not nearly the same capacity it once was. People try using that as evidence also... but those are clear signs of fads. "

The ps2 is similar to your own skateboard analogy is still chugging around but not even remotely as popular as it was back in the day, unless you have evidence showing otherwise.

Just admit you do not know what you are talking about and save us from the lame excuses (Seriously has anyone ever done that on vgchartz I think the OP should be the first, their should probably be like conclusion moderators or something).

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

Max King of the Wild said:
TruckOSaurus said:

I'm not attacking your definition of a fad, you're free to define it how you want. I didn't quote sales numbers for a reason, I only spoke of sales trends i.e. sales exploding then after a 5 year run dying off very quickly... that's the question I'm asking... does this trend constitute a fad in your eyes?

I was 7 in '94. To be more specific what constitutes as a fad in my eyes you would need to look at market trends during that time. That's why I don't agree with Ps1 vs Wii comparison because the market is so drastically different. As for if the Ps1 was a fad I honestly don't know. I have disagreed with people claiming Ps2 was a fad but I couldn't do that same concerning the Ps1 because I don't remember what the market was like 20 years ago. Nor do I know what the market trends and norms were

I know the hula hoop was a fad but I wasn't alive in the 1950s. The PS1 saw incredible never-before seen sales when it was new and fizzled out after 5 years, does that constitue a fad?

Signature goes here!

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Trunkin said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Trunkin said:
I don't think it was, but really, who gives a shit? Does the "fad" label somehow make it less of a success? Does it magically nullify Wii's 4 years of unprecedented sales, and it's influence on gaming as a whole?

Bold: Not at all... I've said many times through this thread all fads are successes but not all successes are fads. I don't see why people are so concerned with it being labeled a fad or not. I have always thought of it as a fad and I have had this discussion numerous times this gen. I made a comment in another thread about it being a fad and it gave me the idea to see if views have changed now that a new system has came out for Nintendo and the dust has settled. I thought it might have a decent amount of discussion but at the same time I didn't think it would prove to be such a hot button topic like it was in the past (ya know, since the Wii is old news, for lack of a better phrase, now.) But it appears I was wrong, It started well (on the second page I believe I was saying people who said no it wasn't had good points) but turned out ridiculous.

So, really, it just comes down to personal bias or your own perspective on what constitutes a fad. There's really no hope in changing any minds in a discussion like this, imo. Not on this forum, anyway.

Bias really has nothing to do with it. Perspective obviously does. I wasn't hoping to change minds but wanted to see if minds have been changed

cyberninja45 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Mnementh said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Let's compare Model T ford sales to a Honda Civic. Man... Model T's flopped hard... It makes no sense to compare the two and quite frankly that fact that you don't see that is alarming

Let's compare PS2 and Wii. Are both fads or none or only one? If only one, which one? And if you see one as a fad and the other not, you probably can explain what the differences are.

You are probably the most rational person in this thread so I will discuss with you.

I am not opposed to Ps2 vs Wii comparison. It makes a lot more sense than Ps1 to Wii (because Ps1 to Wii made no sense). As for if both were fads? I would deny Ps2 was a fad. It is still chugging on to this day. I doubt the Wii will be on the market 13+ years. The ps2 also never fizzled out as the Wii did (or else Wii would be near Ps2 levels by now since it was looking to break Ps2 sales at first) which I said is a clear indication of a fad as I've said in my OP

Poorest use of logic in this thread, mainly by countering your own logic.

Max King of the Wild said:

"I spent most of my teenage years skateboarding in the late 90's when it blew up. I dont regret it and had fun during that time. It was obviously a fad (thanks to tony hawk) even though the sport remains relevant today but not nearly the same capacity it once was. People try using that as evidence also... but those are clear signs of fads. "

The ps2 is similar to your own skateboard analogy is still chugging around but not even remotely as popular as it was back in the day, unless you have evidence showing otherwise.

Just admit you do not know what you are talking about and save us from the lame excuses (Seriously has anyone ever done that on vgchartz I think the OP should be the first, their should probably like conclusion moderators or something)

Wow you are desperatly trying to make points but fall flat on your face every time. Skateboarding isn't even comparable to the Ps2. A fad in music like backstreet boys can't be compared to fads like silly bands. Just like fads in gaming can't be comparable to skateboarding. Ps1 sales can't sustain sales like things such as skateboarding can easily.

joesampson said:
Outside of the gaming community, yes it was a fad. The millions of people who bought a Wii to play Wii sports and wii fit and stopped playing after a year, treated it like it was a fad. For Nintendo gamers, no, it was just another game console that allowed them to continue playing their favorite Nintendo games.

I can see why people consider it a fad. A huge portion of sales from the Wii come from the people who bought the Wii for Wii Sports/Fit. There was massive hype around the motion controls (which, lets face it was the main focus of the Wii). Hence the massive explosion in sales. Then when people got bored of the playing these games, the system slumped. The system wasn't sustainable on just relying on one off non gamers.

And I'm sorry but you can't compare it to the PS2. The PS2 was big back in the day but it still got consistant sales (and continued support) years after the launch of the PS3. And people are still buying them to this day.

The way I see it a fad is something which gets really popular, then falls off a cliff. Kinda like pokemon cards, yoyo's and slinky's.


Random definition from Wiki:

"A fad is any form of behavior that develops among a large population and is collectively followed with enthusiasm for some period, generally as a result of the behavior's being perceived as novel in some way.[1] A fad is said to "catch on" when the number of people adopting it begins to increase rapidly. The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone."

Max King of the Wild said:
Marks said:
Nah I've changed my mind. I certainly still think motion controls were a fad, and won't be a prominent selling point next gen (Wii U isn't using it as a selling point, no mention of it with PS4 that I saw)...but selling 100 million units, pretty much just gonna call it a success.

Certainly doesn't look like the Wii U is going to carry on the same level of success.

Are boy bands just a success or a fad? Because Backstreet Boys went on to sell the 9th highest selling album of all time... but I would consider them a fad in a heart beat as you can see from the rest of their album sales (less than half of Mellenium at 40+mil).

Well the Beatles are a boy band if you ask me. So boy bands are hard to classify, the Beatles are still popular, but ones like the Backstreet Boys have disappeared. I dunno, good question. 

hinch said:

I can see why people consider it a fad. A huge portion of sales from the Wii come from the people who bought the Wii for Wii Sports/Fit. There was massive hype around the motion controls (which, lets face it was the main focus of the Wii). Hence the massive explosion in sales. Then when people got bored of the playing these games, the system slumped. The system wasn't sustainable on just relying on one off non gamers.

Out of curiousity, what data would you support for any of these assertions?