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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favorite Game of This Generation?

Final Fantasy XIII


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Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country Returns & Arkham Asylum.

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

Dark Souls, no doubt about it. I can't think of any other game that has perfect gameplay

Deus Ex: Human Revolution, then Dark Souls

Boutros said:

Final Fantasy XIII


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Tales of Xillia 2

Dishonored. Really an awesome game IMO.

Galaxy, and DKCR were both excellent as well. honestly I felt like this gen was a little "meh"

It would be damn tough to pick just one, but here's some.

Uncharted series
Souls Series
Both console Zelda games

Many others...


If you need something more than shooting, then Heavy Rain is the best game of this generation by a long shot. Gripping plot, acting, creative game play, tons of play in the game. We may never see another game so good.

Mensrea said:
Dishonored. Really an awesome game IMO.

Galaxy, and DKCR were both excellent as well. honestly I felt like this gen was a little "meh"

I was excited for Dishonored but ended up kinda hating it lol.  Still platinumed it but I guess my expectations were too high.  The combat and even just maneuvering felt clunky like a PSone or 2 game.  Galaxy and DKC were great though.

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