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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game have you spent most time into in 2013?

probably NFS most wanted...I don't know, but it's gonna be TR if u ask me a week later

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Fire Emblem Awakening. I have already spent 50+ hours on it.

ni no kuni 80hrs and going

Halo 4 - multiplayer and finishing the remaining episodes of Spartan Ops.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54


I hate myself.

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probably fifa 13

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer. It's addictive.

Other than that maybe Skyrim or Fire Emblem, though I'm pretty burnt out on Skyrim right now.

League of Legends and Dota. Damn they are addicting as Hell!!! Especially League... I have no time for any other games..

Long Live SHIO!

I'm so hardcore...


