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Forums - Sales Discussion - ALL marioboys bought SMG and Wii? Or speculations made on SMG and SMS sales

Miyamoto also mentioned that the textures and music, was a bit hurt by the mentioned above.

The same man, said that Super Mario Galaxy, was not focused on being the BEST game ever, but the most fun, I'll give you the link to this in a sec.

Sakurai mentioned that he didn't want to add rankings to SSBB, because that would make it competition, not pure fun. I agree with him.

What does EA say?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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Crazzyman your logic is undeniable, everything you say is so insightful and well thought out. You are by far one of the best posters this site has ever had.

There are only a couple of reasons people buy the wii, they want the "wii" titled games, they are Nintendo fans or they want the new thing, kinda like the ipod. Or they hate Sony so much for making a console cost $600 that they bought the cheap wii until the price of the PS3 comes down.

Entering this thread made me warm in all the wrong places, so I'll do as Borat; "I go..."

Griffin said:
Crazzyman your logic is undeniable, everything you say is so insightful and well thought out. You are by far one of the best posters this site has ever had.

There are only a couple of reasons people buy the wii, they want the "wii" titled games, they are Nintendo fans or they want the new thing, kinda like the ipod. Or they hate Sony so much for making a console cost $600 that they bought the cheap wii until the price of the PS3 comes down.

this post deseves the mightiest of mighty WHAT THE FUCK's.






This has to be a joke post... if you honestly mean what you say then I am stunned.


I think Crazzy might be right about Japan, I don't think SMG is going to sell greatly more in Japan than it has now, and probably has been purchased just by Mario /  Nintendo fans there.  The Japan market has changed greatly, so it would have even been fair to think that SMG would sell less than SMS, it will certainly never surpass Mario 64 in Japan.


Crazzy you should be including New Super Mario Bros for comparison... especially because there are many 'marioboys' who must be an owner of a Nintendo DS right? Or do you think they are buying DS because they had a GBA?  Please check the HW totals of DS in japan before you answer this question.

I laugh at these arguments. But I can't believe i'm wasting my time to even post because you have the complete wrong idea.

And Griffon you are just a fanboy in denial if you think Wii is selling simply for the reasons you listed.


One day you guys will accept (past your fanboyish ways) that Nintendo has actually accomplished a very difficult challenge with the Wii and DS. 

CrazzyMan said:
stof said:
Crazy thinks that a game out for years with multiple Christmases and players choice rereleases is the same as 12 weeks (10 in NA and Europe). And that's why there isn't a shred of sense in this analysis.

THAT IS The main problem, GAME WOUDLN`T REACH SMS NUMBERS SO FAST with same numbers of USERBASE(20 mln.) and then decline so FAST, if MOST OF the userbase wouldn`t be nintendo fanboys.

Ok, so I'll again state that all games decline in January, and Super Mario Galaxy is the highest selling game world wide this week. Why aren't you applying this lack of logic to every single game ever made?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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stof said:
CrazzyMan said:
stof said:
Crazy thinks that a game out for years with multiple Christmases and players choice rereleases is the same as 12 weeks (10 in NA and Europe). And that's why there isn't a shred of sense in this analysis.

THAT IS The main problem, GAME WOUDLN`T REACH SMS NUMBERS SO FAST with same numbers of USERBASE(20 mln.) and then decline so FAST, if MOST OF the userbase wouldn`t be nintendo fanboys.

Ok, so I'll again state that all games decline in January, and Super Mario Galaxy is the highest selling game world wide this week. Why aren't you applying this lack of logic to every single game ever made?

Because he wants to prove that the Wii is a fad and is only bougth by the same Ninty fans...


Lets bump this thread in a month and lets see how SMG is doing...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Griffin said:
Crazzyman your logic is undeniable, everything you say is so insightful and well thought out. You are by far one of the best posters this site has ever had.

There are only a couple of reasons people buy the wii, they want the "wii" titled games, they are Nintendo fans or they want the new thing, kinda like the ipod. Or they hate Sony so much for making a console cost $600 that they bought the cheap wii until the price of the PS3 comes down.

QFT. Crazzyman is the  best poster in this site along with you, PS3owner, Hus and diomedes; he has tremendous insight in the industry fares and I completely agree with what he says. Wii is a granny console, viable only because of casuals playing easy games, like Zack & Wiki and Nintendo hardore fans, who don't see the mistake Nintendo has made and support it blindingly while ignoring the superior machine that PS3 is...

This is my old account; I made it an "evil" account for fun
Everyone has a dark side...

Haaa, Crazzyman and his Crazzy comparisons.

I really must applaud you for your relentless quest to make Leo-J appear to be an intelligent and thoughtful poster.

So if SMG doesn't sell well then it would be 'OMG, hardcore games are doomed on the Wii! DOOMED!! =)'

But given that it sells well (which should be considered a good thing, right?) instead of being 'Well, as you can see even casual players buy hardcore games like SMG' it is replaced by 'Only marioboys buy the Wii. The Wii is DOOMED!! =)'

Maybe the sales will stay at that level in Japan after the market comes back up but you assume it will just like PS3 fanboys were assuming that the Wii would only sell 20-30k when it dipped that low last fall but it didn't, it came back up with the market and it didn't even need a price cut/new model/new color for that either.

And how are SMG's legs outside of Japan? After all Japan, while important, is now only about 15-20% of the market so it is more important to see how it performs in the other two markets.

Sri Lumpa here, I lost the space when I lost my profile

CrazzyMan said:

@Rath, games sell 80% of it LTD sales in first 12-16 weeks.
Unless, not all fans bought system, where that game is released(looks like not in this case).

Normally, that is true, but lately Nintendo has been bucking the trend.  New Super Mario Bros only sold around 60% of its CURRENT installed base in Japan by 12 weeks, and is still selling well, given that the game has been out for a year and a half(11k copies last week in Japan).  Wii Sports and Brain Training charts are almost linear, with sales remaining rather steady for months on end.

Looking at worldwide sales, SMG has currently sold MORE copies worldwide at 9 weeks than New Super Mario Bros. did(NSB is sitting at just under 13mln sold).  At the time of launch, the DS had roughly the same installed base as the Wii enjoys now.  Granted, NSMB had a staggered release over a two month period, which skews things somewhat, but not THAT much.

first i need to say that 7 mil is a bit to low for smg considering that in the US its still selling higher then wii,so i think it will pass 10 mil and i think that older mario fans are buying it and ofcourse new gamers

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"