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Forums - Sony Discussion - A new ps3 owner has some questions for you guys

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold


2)Assassins Creed




4)NBA Live 08


5)Orange Box

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why? 

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Utz said:

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold

Rented it, only played the first two levels and got a bit bored, but it has a really nice concept and is quite fun to play at first, but the second level was poorly designed, I'm just addicted to CoD 4 at the moment


2)Assassins Creed

Borrowed it off a friend, loved it, good graphics, good gameplay, all round great game. However, it just depends whether you are taken in by the gameplay, or ur too concerned about the combat system, which can get a bit repetititive




4)NBA Live 08


5)Orange Box

 My brother got it for christmas and has only played TF 2 and portal so far. TF looks good, but the servers seem a bit empty, although it does not suit my taste. Portal looks quite fun and has some good comedy in it

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why? 


1) Stranglehold - Basically Max Payne 3 dressed up in John Woo garb. Short and rather derivitive, but fun, from the little I've played of it.

2)Assassins Creed - Bo-ring. I expected more, you know, assassination from my assassination game. But, in reality, it's mostly just wandering around Jerusalem gathering info.

3)Oblivion - An extremely fun action-adventure game with RPG trappings. You can basically play it any way you want. I played it as a dungeon crawler, took a character through about 50 hours of caves and ruins, and I didn't even get through half of the game's content.

4)NBA Live 08 - Haven't played it.

5)Orange Box - One of the best values out there. For $60, you get Half Life 2, two episodes, Portal (the best puzzle game released as of late), and a good multiplayer shooter. The PS3 port is plagued with a few bugs and framerate issues, but if you can't get it on anything else, it's still well worth a purchase.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Ok so i own all of them except for NBA Live here are my opinions

Stranglehold: Really fun game but was not worth the full price, there are some cool moves to do and the destructive enviorments are really awesome, in some moments you will say "holy shit"... I'd say buy it if you see it at lik 30$

Assasins Creed: I personally loved this game, I bought the CE with the ALtair statue and it's awesome. The game itself is a bit repetitive but the expirience you get is incredible... people will say that it sucks and others will say it's awesome... I'm one of those guys which say it's awesome... it's an interesting concept and the story is actually good (the ending is mind-blowing)

Oblivion: Just buy this game! It's so awesome and it's one of the biggest RPG's ever, buy the game of the year edition so you get the Shivering Isles Expansion too...

Orange Box: Probably the best gamng deal ever, buy it even just for Portal... the ps3 version is probably the worst of the versions... if you have a 360 or a Pc I'd say buy it there... the games run well but the only thing i hate are the loadings... in Portal for example the 360 and PC version take like 5 seconds to load, instead the Ps3 one about 15... and considering that in some parts you will die a lot... it will frustrate you... Still best deal around... If you find for less than 60$ EVEN BETTER!

Ok I'm done... hope i helped you

I have played The Orange Box. It's very entertaining. There is just so much content on the one disc. Episode 2 is an amazing single player experience, while Team fortress 2 offers a solid multiplayer mode. Portal also deserves to be mentioned, it's a fantastic and very original game (some people even consider it the best game on the Orange Box). I definetly recommend it.

9/10 in my view.


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Assasins is a rly good game... gr8 graphics, gr8 gameplay, but as munkeh said, it gets to be repetitive.

Now orange box is amazing on the 360, and has 5 games!! so its rly worth a look, i want it on my PC though.

Other than that, arent u considering uncharted?? its an awesome game!

Assassin's Creed is beautiful & fun, but repetitive.
Oblivion is a good buy...lot of hours of gameplay.
Don't have the other ones.
Some probably have demos up on PSN you can try out--I know Stranglehold did...the demo was pretty fun.

Some you didn't name that you oughta check out too are Ratchet & Clank, Warhawk, Uncharted, & Rock Band.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

thanks for your opinions

yeah i played the demo but my problem is that i live in germany and so i would have to import the game for like 70 €
so is it worth 70€?

uncharted i'll buy for certain when i've got the money, i loved the demo

i've played the demo of ratched and clank and before i played it i thought that i would never liked this game but no i'm in love with it

warhawk:i'm not so much into online-gaming,maybe i'll change my opinion when i buy cod4

rock band:nah i don't like music games,tried guitar hero once but didn't get into it


nobody here who owns nba live 08?is it really that bad? 

1) Stranglehold - Rent it, good killing fun for a week, nothing more.

2)Assassins Creed - Great graphics, interesting story, but gameplay might bore you quickly. I thought it was worth a buy, but some say otherwise.

3)Oblivion - Great game, you will lose tons of hours in this game and not even know what you accomplished

4)NBA Live 08 - Terrible, must avoid. If you really want a basketball game get 2k8

5)Orange Box - Very good package, 5 great games for the price of 1. Minor problems with PS3, but it won't take much away from the experience.

Utz said:

Hello i'm new here and i want to have your opinions on some ps3 games.


1) Stranglehold


2)Assassins Creed




4)NBA Live 08


5)Orange Box

I maybe want to buy these games but i'm not sure and so i ask:if you've played any of these games, were they fun?or not?and why?

 Assassins Creed, Oblivion, NBA 2k8, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, and Warhawk for the Multiplayer.