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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could the Wii hit over 150 million??(because China)

Username2324 said:
Nintendo probably couldnt produce that many in the Wii's short life span.

why in the hell do you, and others on the internet, believe the Wii will have a short lifespan? I believe the Wii's lifespan will be 7 years at most. (which is goood. maybe 8 if they are lucky enough)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
Around the Network

scratch what i said, the Wii will have a lifespan of 7 years at least! (nintendo could mod the wii for years to come to make more people get it! kind of like a pc.)

at most would be maybe 10 years! (if nintendo utilizes the awesome innovation like headtracking and linux for wii for everyone!!)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
PDF said:

thx for the info. So did the ps2 sell in China at all? China to me is alot like japan. They seem like they would be on top of the latest toys and would be very into playing them. I understand that China per person economy isnt great but in the larger Chinese city many of them are now making a pretty good living. It would seem like China's big cities would be key market places as they are now stressed. I think that if the ps2 wasnt marketed in china that was a mistake. I do not see any reason why it would ofn ot picked up. Same with the India now. They are in about the same place china was a few years ago.

 Don't say that in China lol. About the market..I think the Chinese are more like the Koreans who are more into PC gaming.

I am not sure but I always have the feeling that Japanese are huge console/handhelds fans and not so much into PC gaming.

I wished we could see numbers of China how much a console sold. 

Wii has a great chance to break 150 million worldwide. Wii hardware sale will do well in China, but not the software.

In fact, Wii is already very popular in China now. But of course, that is partially due to the piracy discs.

If Nintendo figure out a way to prevent people modifying the machine, they will turn to Vii

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

you guys TOTALLY misunderstand the chinese market..
btw, they're into PC gaming, not consoles.

Around the Network

I remember a while ago, Avinash_Tyagi said that he could easily see the Wii selling 750 million world wide if it launched in China and India, so I'm going to agree with him on that one.

China does not have an install base for consoles so including China and giving significant clout to China would be irrelevant and not noteworthy. However due to th price, and the different appraoch wii is having i say in looking at PS2 sales the wii will comfortable reach at least 150M by the end of its cycle given it isnt discontinued early.

"Like you know"

The only question is will the Wii reamin easily chipable (as in, run pirated copies of games). If it will when it hits China, it has a chance of becoming a sucess. But ninty can't expect high software sales there.


Chinese buy alot of non chinese product, really depends how you look at it. for the less fortunity ones they stick with china's domestic product because they cant afford non chinese made products. But they'll buy japanese product if they can afford, like the growing middle and upper class they only expect the best quality makers from japan. You will be amazed when the middle or upper class natives go vacation in Hong Kong, They spend Huge money on only foreign(mainly japan made) products.

ratio wize, yes there are alot more lower class people than the other class people. So the ratio of domestic product compare to foreign products are huge, but the chinese always have the mentally to strick for the better quality(foreign) products.

There is a large possibility it will, and there is a large possibility it will not. Im not going to be predicting anything on the wii yet its a huge fog to were its future will be headed.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M