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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could the Wii hit over 150 million??(because China)

daactualfact said:
Maybe for India, Nintendo can make a special edition "buddha" wii available! (it will sell millions!)

For China, they can put Jet Li or Jackie Chan on it!!!! (though those 2 don't come from China, they could pass off as Chinese.)
Actually, they both come from China, and Jackie Chan is much bigger over there than he is here. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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supermario128 said:
Do the Chinese all have enough money to buy video games, I thought that most of them are farmers and stuff like that.

The most are but around 300-500 million live in urban places like the big cities Shanghai, Beijing, HK etc..

If games like Warcraft sell well over there why no wii games?

@Brute:  The X360 is for sale in India (I saw a thread on Gametrailers about that) so if that sells over there why shouldn't they launch the Wii there ^^''.

Nintendo probably couldnt produce that many in the Wii's short life span.

PDF said:
China market confuses me. Has there not been a video game market in china???

 Ten years ago people over there didn't get enough money to save for a game console..

The last years the gaming market is getting a boom of the good economy over there still buying a game is for those people like buying a HD-tv of 1000$

Found this:

Report: China's Video Game Market to Reach $2.1 Billion in 2010

Niko Partners has released data from its latest annual report on the Chinese gaming market, which forecasts the market to hit $2.1 billion by 2010. The continued success of the MMO sector, as well as added contributions from casual games and eventually next-gen consoles will aid market growth.

Posted by James Brightman on Tuesday, April 25, 2006

According to a new report from research and consultancy firm Niko Partners the Chinese video game market experienced considerable growth in 2005 and is expected to grow even more in the next several years.

Niko's fourth annual report on the Chinese gaming market (which not surprisingly is comprised of 84 percent online games) indicates that the market currently stands at $683 million, with 27 million gamers. 29 percent of those gamers played games more than 60 hours per month, which contributed to a 23.6 percent growth rate in China's video game market from 2004 to 2005. Niko predicts that the Chinese gaming market will experience a compound annual growth rate of 24 percent during 2005-2010, so that by 2010 it will have hit $2.1 billion.

While much of this growth has been and will continue to be fueled by the popularity of MMORPGs, Niko points to another trend: the rise of casual games. Niko believes that premium casual games will reach MMORPG-like popularity over the next few years and will achieve 40 percent of all online revenue by 2010.

"Chinese gamers' passion for massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) has extended to the casual and premium casual segments," said Lisa Cosmas Hanson, managing partner of Niko Partners. "Premium casual games provide new gamers greater access to the online game market and open up an alternate source of entertainment for hardcore gamers."

The continued spread of broadband Internet in China has also contributed to the online games boom. And gamers that don't have broadband or any Internet access at home can spend time playing in Internet cafes. Niko found that gamers go online to play an average of 4 hours per day through an estimated 20 million PCs in China's 265,000 officially licensed and unlicensed Internet cafes.

Niko also stressed the social and cultural differences/preferences in the Chinese gaming market. For example, many gamers enjoy softer graphics and brighter colors. Also, socializing and competing with friends is a very important part of the gaming experience, especially with the popularity of Internet cafes. Although piracy is a concern in the Chinese market, the next-generation consoles are expected to launch there within 1-2 years. With the new consoles putting an emphasis on online functionality, Niko believes Chinese gamers will find themselves more attracted to the new platforms because of their social and competitive aspects.

"Not only is it imperative for a foreign videogame company to understand the preferences and demands of Chinese gamers, they must also strive to develop games that fit the restrictive regulations of the Chinese government," explained Hanson. "The Chinese market is different than other global markets, and it will take perseverance as well as innovation in business models for foreign companies to succeed there."

April 2006

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Nini hasn't launched in India? even Sony already launched there.. as for China... Nintendo would be stupid to. They will only be able to sell the console in Hong Kong and not very many chinese really buy none-chinese products.

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I thought it was launching in China and South Korea(North??) Not India. Though I may be wrong.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

China is a huge market, Nintendo need to take advantage of this situation and sell Wii like crazy

blaydcor said:
daactualfact said:
I've been wondering about this for a long time! China has a population of over 1 billion!(if i'm not mistaken.) The Wii would also appeal to Chinese a lot! (wiifit yoga for the sensei!!) what do you think? (it's almost a certainty that Wii will become Nintendo's best selling console and hit past 100 million. But how far do you think it'll be past 100 million when you add China?)
Yoga is from India, and sensei is a Japanese term, you ignorant dumbass  


you best to chill out for we have a damn problem you dumnbass!!! i made a fuckin mistake! all you have to do is correct me! (and you call me an ass you retarded idiot!)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
ssj12 said:
Nini hasn't launched in India? even Sony already launched there.. as for China... Nintendo would be stupid to. They will only be able to sell the console in Hong Kong and not very many chinese really buy none-chinese products.

 Hmm not really......  I lived their for a time and I never met people over there who really didn't buy something because it is of a country that they don't like.  Maybe the older generations don't like Japan but the youth is pretty unbiased.

I would bet with you that Chinese would rather buy a X360 and games like COD,Halo than Japanese.