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Forums - Website Topics - New request for mods locking threads

It would be nice if before locking a thread the mod who locks it post why it's being locked.  That seems to happen with most threads but there seem to be some that are locked without any reason given.

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it would be hilarious if a mod locked this thread with no explanation given

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

blaydcor said:
it would be hilarious if a mod locked this thread with no explanation given

You cannot fathom how close I came to doing just that. New powers and all that jazz.

I'll keep it in mind, Legend -- I probably would have done it anyway, as it seems entirely appropriate.">">

i dont give a reason unless the topic is a spam topic. otherwise I figure the user would figure that they would realize that their topic is a duplicate.

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I agree with Legend. I'd like to know why a thread is locked. Also, is there any way that you can have banned people's posts not be blank? It is irritating when you can't read their posts in an entirely unrelated thread, where there are no problems. Would it be possible to only make the offending posts blank?

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kenny just hit the quote button and you can read em.

Unless it's unbelievably obvious, like someone spamming offensive threads and such, I always leave a post.

Most people don't check it since it drops off the frontpage after being locked, but it's good to let them know who locked it and why.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Hey Bod, just noticed that you're a mod now. About time. Congrats!

Or check out my new webcomic:

I haven't seen a thread yet where the reason for the lock, even an obtuse one, wasn't clear. What thread(s), I wonder, is the OP confused about? It would be interesting (I hope) to find out.

naznatips always gives a reason before he locks a thread. the other mods. not so much....