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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should it be necessary to have a PS2, PS3 AND PS4 hooked up all at once to play?

No, it shouldn't, and Kaz himself basically said so right before the PS3 launched. The PS4 should be HARDWARE BC with all former PS consoles as it's basically pennies on the dollar to make the PS1 and PS2 chips. The Cell would cost a tad more, but again, it's now 7 year old tech.

I'd pay $600.00 again for full BC and I know alot of hardcore gamers would as well.

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richardhutnik said:
Michael-5 said:

How often do you play PS2/PS1 games? I bet once in a while you might feel the urge to pick up a classic PS1 game, or finish a PS2 game you haven't beaten, but in general you don't play that often right? If you're going to start up a new game, most people download the PSN version instead of go out and look for a PS2/PS1 disk.

I'm more retro, I don't like owning digital games, especially because apparently PSN content on your PS3 doesn't work on your PS4, so any PS1/PS2 games you did download are trapped on your PS3 now.

I have the PS2 to play retro game content.  I do want to go back and play them, when the urge strikes.  I have a number of systems packed up in storage.  It is beneficial for me to be able to access them.

I think this is the best way to go about it too, I'm the same.

In fact I plan to bring my PS2 to my main TV when I finish all my PS3/360/Wii games (or at least most of them) to start up some great PS1/PS2 JRPG's. Drakengard 2, Suikoden, XenoGears and Grandia all rank high in my TDL.

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richardhutnik said:
darkknightkryta said:
^^For someone with such an old account, to only less than 10 posts in 5 years is odd. Then to come back and troll away, was he someone's alt or something?

Steal troll account.  Go figure.  No idea really what that was.  I just didn't appreciate things getting spun the way it was.  I am at a place here where I am tossed about getting a PS3 again, if a PS4 is on the radar, and won't play PS3 games native.  I then saw, in order to play all the content (i won't get rid of my PS2 now), I would need to have 3 consoles hooked up. Blech.

go get an older model ps3

Lower Price or BC? Which is more you important to you? But more importantly, which is more important to the gaming market at large?

Lower price beats a feature that few people would care about. It may seem simple for PS4 to play PS3 games, they both use blu-ray after all, right? But the PS3 is so vastly different than other consoles, while the PS4 is a more standard design. It would take a lot of work to get the PS4 to properly emulate a PS3, and it might not even be possible with their different hardware designs.

nobody buys a new system to play old games, yes the feature would have been nice, but it's far from being make or break

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Fayceless said:
Lower Price or BC? Which is more you important to you? But more importantly, which is more important to the gaming market at large?

Lower price beats a feature that few people would care about. It may seem simple for PS4 to play PS3 games, they both use blu-ray after all, right? But the PS3 is so vastly different than other consoles, while the PS4 is a more standard design. It would take a lot of work to get the PS4 to properly emulate a PS3, and it might not even be possible with their different hardware designs.

What matters is transitioning to new platform from older version.  I understand possible need to drop it, but lack of backwards compatibility means a lack of a hook  for owners of prior generation to migrate up.  People will stall and wait for things to pan out and milk the content of current generation. 

Fayceless said:
Lower Price or BC? Which is more you important to you? But more importantly, which is more important to the gaming market at large?

Gaikai BC will probably be on Plus or some subscription model.

Meaning BC will not be a mandatory thing for gamers to buy, like it was on the PS3, which made you partially buy a PS2. In that respect I actually much prefer cloud gaming when it comes to old games.

TheKoreanGuy said:

But anyways, in Killzone's case, that is the work of Guerrilla Games, not the Cell. Don't fool yourself. Just look at Shadow Fall. No Cell processor there.

The logic of this argument astounds me.