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richardhutnik said:
Michael-5 said:

How often do you play PS2/PS1 games? I bet once in a while you might feel the urge to pick up a classic PS1 game, or finish a PS2 game you haven't beaten, but in general you don't play that often right? If you're going to start up a new game, most people download the PSN version instead of go out and look for a PS2/PS1 disk.

I'm more retro, I don't like owning digital games, especially because apparently PSN content on your PS3 doesn't work on your PS4, so any PS1/PS2 games you did download are trapped on your PS3 now.

I have the PS2 to play retro game content.  I do want to go back and play them, when the urge strikes.  I have a number of systems packed up in storage.  It is beneficial for me to be able to access them.

I think this is the best way to go about it too, I'm the same.

In fact I plan to bring my PS2 to my main TV when I finish all my PS3/360/Wii games (or at least most of them) to start up some great PS1/PS2 JRPG's. Drakengard 2, Suikoden, XenoGears and Grandia all rank high in my TDL.

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