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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should it be necessary to have a PS2, PS3 AND PS4 hooked up all at once to play?

"it would mean having a PS2, PS3 and PS4 all hooked up"

You're making it seem as if it's some arduous task. Wanna play PS2? Plug in that PS2. Maybe you'll have to plug out some other console. Takes a minute of effort at most. Who cares if you need to switch a console every now and then? It's a minor inconvenience. And if you can have them all in at the same time it's not even an inconvenience.

Most people with BC consoles never even use it. It's only a big deal to a small internet minority with a big mouth.

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Put away the consoles you aren't using. How many people are actively playing PS2 games? I say very few, if you are one of the few, then there are still the early PS3s you can buy used that can play PS2 games.

You need to have Wii, XBox 360 and PS3 connected if you wanted to experience the best games of this gen. I don't see anyone complaining about that.

So what do you want? What is your solution? Should Sony have kept the Cell and made programming a more expensive chore that requires more frustration and development time on ports? Should it raise the price, size, and overhead of the PS4 by including PS3 hardware? What, exactly, do you think they should do?

Let's be honest. Far, far more people will care about a lower price than backwards comparability. Statistically, the amount of people who play old games on new systems is minuscule. I kept my PS2 plugged up but I've probably used it a handful of times since I got a PS3, despite what I thought would happen.

This is really only an issue for people who don't have a PS3 but Sony really had very little choice here. They did the right thing.

I don't care about BC anymore, I think not being region locked is much more important nowadays. I don't have a ps2 anymore, I sold mine to buy a ps3 in 2009 and I don't miss it, I wouldn't b replaying those games in an HD TV.

And I definitely don't plan on getting rid of my beloved ps3 until 720p becomes unbearable to look at... That might take a while.

Besides, its so f-ing pretty and red!

I don't mind hooking up my old systems to play old games, my only issue I ever had was running out of save space (specifically on DC, GC, PS1, and PS2)

Those memory cards held so few save files compared to the PS3 and PSP, and the old cartridge games didn't need a memory card so that was never an issue. A full BC PS3 can make virtual memory cards, and has the advantage of the nice wireless controller.

The only current system with save space issue is the PS Vita, they really need to fix that.

If i pay $99 for a 32GB memory card, I should be able to hold more than 100 save files... BS arbitrary limits like that on stuff I pay a lot for really tick me off.

Especially when smaller games are more common now, that space fills up super fast (and apps eat up 1 save space each as well, so you run out even faster).

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rutea7 said:

I don't care about BC anymore, I think not being region locked is much more important nowadays. I don't have a ps2 anymore, I sold mine to buy a ps3 in 2009 and I don't miss it, I wouldn't b replaying those games in an HD TV.

And I definitely don't plan on getting rid of my beloved ps3 until 720p becomes unbearable to look at... That might take a while.

Besides, its so f-ing pretty and red!

You bought the God of War PS3?????

Should have gotten a BC PS3 if one valued it so much. Optimal for me PS3, to play PS1,PS2,PS3 games. I will not buy PS4 until I know a price. And I am used to having multiple consoles hooked up to the same tv. Last gen I had xbox,gamecube and PS2. Same thing for this gen and Will probably be the same next gen.

I would gladly buy a 1000$ PS4 that's fully BC throughout every Playstation.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
NightDragon83 said:
Backwards compatibility is definitely overrated.


PS3 ditched ps2 compatibility because it did not prove to be a major selling point and it was not worth the additional costs.

It would have been a better selling point if the thing didn't launch at freaking $599.

Out of genuine interest, what did Nintendo fans do in the sixth generation? Because they would have to have their SNES, N64 & GC hooked up if they wanted to play their whole library.

But anyway, yeah. If people don't have space but do have money, buy a backwards compatible PS3. Then it's only two consoles. Or, buy a bigger house.