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I don't mind hooking up my old systems to play old games, my only issue I ever had was running out of save space (specifically on DC, GC, PS1, and PS2)

Those memory cards held so few save files compared to the PS3 and PSP, and the old cartridge games didn't need a memory card so that was never an issue. A full BC PS3 can make virtual memory cards, and has the advantage of the nice wireless controller.

The only current system with save space issue is the PS Vita, they really need to fix that.

If i pay $99 for a 32GB memory card, I should be able to hold more than 100 save files... BS arbitrary limits like that on stuff I pay a lot for really tick me off.

Especially when smaller games are more common now, that space fills up super fast (and apps eat up 1 save space each as well, so you run out even faster).